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Team Fortress 2 Prop Hunt Server Coming Soon!!!

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Right guys as promised at Rencorner we shall be opening a Team Fortress 2 Prop Hunt server. Basically this means there will be a team of Props and team of Hunters.


The props have to hide somewhere in the maps and don't look too obvious. The Hunters have to go around the map and find the props and kill them. There will be a timer of 10 mins for each map. This will vary, depending on how the map is played out and also from the feedback so this could be shortened. 


The Props are Scouts disguised as random objects from the maps.


The Hunters are normal players of any class except Scout and Spy, but default to Pyros.


The server details will be posted up soon when the server has been tested out.




This sounds like fun, I might reinstall TF2 just for this.

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