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  • Veteran Admin

I'm setting up... well lets say a little 1.3 terraria to some people until the server gets updated to 1.3. I would only let about 5 people on at one time, otherwise there would be huge lag.

Just wondering how many people would want to join? Not really wanting defaults but more like VIPs and above.

If you are interested post on here:

Steam name:

Terraria name:


Time you can play in gmt:

It will be up whenever ( probably 4pm to 9pm, I will be hosting it and possibly Madara will, depending on if he wants to.

If shai or volcom rather this not happen, then I shall not do it, but I will for now till you inform me.

The game won't be up 24/7, more like 6/7

My steam name is ( Vroom Vroom... BEEP BEEP! ( Yeah it's bad ) with a black and white skull and crossbones.

As soon as I hear the server has been updated, we can shift everything and move back to the server, or just leave it.

Madara, Horse and Me have begun a bit, and you don't have to start from fresh. But you cannot get resources from your other worlds.


Steam name: Wiz
Terraria name: Wiz

Time you can play in gmt: Afternoons

Steam name: Bayleaf154

Terraria name: David Anders

Rank: VIP

Time I can play in GMT= All day everyday


terraria name:juan


terraria name:



steam username:juanthegamer2001




time to play: anytime I'm connected.                                                                                                                                                              

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