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Sound when joining

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I'd like to have the game say "fuckyou" when I join. Can this be done? :)


Donators get !mad sounds, the join sounds, and a teamspeak channel. Pretty much what ones work ingame they can choose from. So, sure you can.

Had to give them something, something that wouldn't unbalance the game.


Join Fuck you?huh you Crezy stop fucking ppl XD but to Get join sound you need be a mod


I would like my sound to be baguette.



I would like my sound to be baguette.


Hahah you can!

So donate or become a mod? Which one is it?


Where do I donate?


Found it!

Back to the beer!


Baguette is smoking crack, a donation doesn't equal mod.

Pick a sound you want, and let me know here.

*edit* added the FuckYou1.wav of Arnie's(loud one), and do !madhelp/!madhelp2/!madhelp3 For a list of mad sounds. A few per game is OK, you do it too much you'll lose it.


Baguette is smoking crack, a donation doesn't equal mod.

Pick a sound you want, and let me know here.

Lol so get a sound with baguette lol

*edit* added the FuckYou1.wav of Arnie's(loud one), and do !madhelp/!madhelp2/!madhelp3 For a list of mad sounds. A few per game is OK, you do it too much you'll lose it.


Can I donate sexual services?


Can I donate sexual services?

They are accepted in any server JKs is an admin. That's currently Terraria.


They are accepted in any server JKs is an admin. That's currently Terraria.

*was Terraria

Can I have a !mad version of the "clowns" sound as my join sound and if not that, then the regular "clown sound.

Maybe a !madwtfwrong, a !madfuckyou, and a !madgm for the server, too? :)



I promise I don't like asking shaitan to do things.


!madfuckyou would be nice :)




I promise I don't like asking shaitan to do things.




Did those the other night, check each madhelp.

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