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Some suggestions

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40 players in Jelly right now, includign a lot of RC regulars, what does that say for this topic?


It says that Jelly is having a farewell get together. Don't make double posts, edit the previous one if you thought of something else.


I'm one of the biggest AOW fans, i'd love to have some aow, but i agree that mostly ppl prefer marathon. Maybe try a day or 2 per week aow? Not necessarily in the weekend, can be for example an "AOW tuesday or something". And see how the activity is.

I agree the ingame ppl's preferences and the forum users' one oftem don't match, i've been on rc since it got relaunched in 2012 and i've experienced that multiple time. So maybe a bot poll for ingame asking if they'd like a day of aow could help. In any way, RC must remain a marathon server however.

I personally dont like long games, and !weps/!tank contribute to that, but most ppl do so removing them would harm the server. You gotta do what's best for the server.


Goz it was off xwis again.

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Ah OK.


And now the last 3 hours there are 0 ^^.


I've had a think about this and come up with the following conclusions.


Marathon mode is (even with the dwindling player numbers) the most popular format for 2 reasons.


1. It is the easiest to play.


Any nub can join and after a few hours learn to buy a big tank and score points.


2. It massages the ego of even the dumbest players.


When Westwood coded the rank system it was based solely on points scored, therefore, even a complete cretin can sit in an arty or MRLS shooting a building for 3 hours get MVP and say 'I'm best playa' although their effort has done nothing to help team victory.


Basically, Marathon is a person centered mode not a team centered mode without much teamwork but ample pointwhoring/killwhoring.


So why did AOW servers die out?


I don't think it as simple as dwindling player numbers I think it's also a demographic change. I remember when I first started playing Renegade (I bought it for my son) thinking how old I am and how young most of the other players are. Well, over the years of getting to know a number of the young people i played with it seems most of them, like my son, went off to college/Uni got a job, started a relationship and just stopped playing Ren.


Basically, the kids smart enough to understand the value of playing AOW grew up, leaving  sad sacks like me to play Marathon with a bunch of egocentric, pointwhoring nubs.





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Hey guys - I didn't read everything here, but reading between the lines I got the gist.


As a long time Ren player - sad sacks like ourselves will play wherever it is populated.


I agree with the disable sounds thing, that shit gets annoying. I also like the different colored important messages. That's easy enough to implement.


But pretty much everything kind of balances out on RC. I feel the !tank/!wep commands are okay because I can also spam !suddendeath every 5 minutes, which is also okay. 


I'm okay with RC the way it is, gameplay wise. 


However, I warn against alternating between mara and aow on one server. It is off-putting. You will please some people some of the time and annoy the others. Throw up an AoW server when Jelly closes, if that's feasible. That'll be fun...maybe. At the end of the day there are only so many ways to split up the 50 players that remain.

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another server will never work


not enough players

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another server will never work


not enough players


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Not sure if trolling or not, Gumby ;-)

Currently a, at on holidays, back Thursday :-)


Honestly, I have had this debate with myself before. I have tried an aow server, I have tried timed maps. They haven't worked in the past but I think we can through some in game polls and hope the majority responds. After all the people that populate the server need to make the decision, not us old timers who are used to playing AOW and clanwars. The majority of us are gone and the crowd we are left with really don'y even understand the concept of Renegade as we know it. They implement basic teamwork, they don't have the strategies we used, they are more concerned with their own game than winning as a team. I myself am working a lot, but next week I am doing day shifts so I will spend some time thinking about these ideas and figure out if we can use them or if they won't work. Regardless I just want to keep Renegade alive as long as possible. 

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You guys have touched on these points but I'll add my 2 cents to the discussion.

I categorically miss Renegade of old. The degree of teamwork was infectious and I felt I could never leave the game as I would be letting the side down. There are moments of it that I still have with some of the old school players here and I play Ren solely for those moments.

I clocked up thousands of hours on Gz0nes AOW server and many others before and after. I think Gumby hit on the main points, in my mind anyway, the play style has evolved into one of egocentricity. People care more about getting the most kills or the most points and less about finishing the game with slick teamwork. I don't think you can force the player base back into history though by limiting them to a game mode the majority won't understand. Its cool that some of you have the same interest in the AOW playstyle and that it's being looked into.

I can only hope!

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hopefully something good comes of this


seems every time i try and play, its one of those barr v air/ref/hon


which is boring :(


Well I guess you're right - an AoW server may just not get activity.


Sand's timed and that's cool. If RC does whole days where it's AoW only, that just creates work for somebody, doesn't it? And what if during the crossover some midnight, the server already has people in it. Can we change it to AoW mode without restarting the server? 

Posted (edited)

Not sure if trolling or not, Gumby ;-)



No sir, just saying it as I see (and feel) it.


I can see from their posts that Volcom and n0dfl4m3r know exactly what I'm talking about.


Unfortunately Trist is right. Even Rencorner, the last bastion of Renegade, doesn't have the players to support a Marathon and AOW server.


Even if 51% of players vote for AOW we risk losing 49% either temporarily or permanently. That risk is way too big if we want to keep Renegade alive.


Sadly for us old AOW players, that is the price we have to pay.


I was a part of n00bless from 2005 to 2010, now that was an AOW server. I used to love organising Funwars and Commwars, real Renegade with teamwork.


I don't play Renegade much these days, Marathon bores me quite quickly, but I still have those happy memories of those golden days at n00bless when, as soon as you got 350 credits and bought an APC, 3 Hotwires jumped in before it even rolled off the Weapons Factory apron and were spamming, 'Attack the Powerplant'.


Happy Days :)



Edited by StJohn Gumby
My punctuation took a dump -.-
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Posted (edited)

Look, in short what I honestly think:

I think most people wouldn't mind a mix of AoW & marathon, but communicate clearly with the public about it, in before raging & shitstorm on the forums...

Edited by D4rX

shai already mentioned that would be happening




why not just keep things the way they are

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cos i like moaning and i want to enjoy renegade




60 min limits on the weekends. Start there. See how it goes.


probably would upset a few people, since weekends is prime renegade


darkz even said he'd stop playing




cos i like moaning and i want to enjoy renegade


Me too

Posted (edited)

probably would upset a few people, since weekends is prime renegade

darkz even said he'd stop playing


That's the point. Do a trial run when the server is most populated (weekend) and see how it goes. Thats the best way to get a response whether positive or negative.

Edited by mdogg1108

No sir, just saying it as I see (and feel) it.


I can see from their posts that Volcom and n0dfl4m3r know exactly what I'm talking about.


Unfortunately Trist is right. Even Rencorner, the last bastion of Renegade, doesn't have the players to support a Marathon and AOW server.


Even if 51% of players vote for AOW we risk losing 49% either temporarily or permanently. That risk is way too big if we want to keep Renegade alive.


Sadly for us old AOW players, that is the price we have to pay.


I was a part of n00bless from 2005 to 2010, now that was an AOW server. I used to love organising Funwars and Commwars, real Renegade with teamwork.


I don't play Renegade much these days, Marathon bores me quite quickly, but I still have those happy memories of those golden days at n00bless when, as soon as you got 350 credits and bought an APC, 3 Hotwires jumped in before it even rolled off the Weapons Factory apron and were spamming, 'Attack the Powerplant'.


Happy Days :)




Thats your happy memory of the old skool teamwork of Ren? Apc rushes are great but cant compete with the teamwork required to walk a teched art right into the base of GDI on Islands and hold it there for the remaining 15 min of a 30min aow :D. Now adays anyone that ever actually techs u has A.D.D. and will like stop to heal a 240hp sak while a med rushes u. Or when I'm teching them, theyre too much a pansy to move out, or if they do move out dont bother to protect you, the one keeping them alive.


Some nice ideas here, but like what whoever said earlier, really the place people play now is based purely on players. The !mad sounds probably wont get the option to mute since only donators can use those.


I liked AOW but I also like Mara. Under is definately a map I tend to avoid playing Mara just because I know if 1 side doesnt get an advantage early its going to last atleast a few hours. I'd like the built in sudden death on Under after like 2 hours but that may be extreme... maybe just put a timer on it like sand? even tho sand is only timed since there arent vehicles/sbh.

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