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Rule suggestions

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[Canyon RxD]

I think there should be a rule about not placeing beacons behind walls.

There is a wall behind BAR if you drop a beacon there its as good as death, you got no chance of disarming it.


The same goes for the nod side.

You can place it behind the wall so you got to walk out the base to disarm it. Or ontop of the tunnle entrance.

** PS ** I do believe any thing in the tunnle is not allot even the place next to the end of the air should be considerd (tunnle) cause its still part of the tunnle.


Placeing a beacon on the WF wall? not sure if that bad there are worse place to nuke @ WF.



[City Flying]

I have been told and readed in a topic that the walk to the HON is not against the rules.

This walk works by hiding under the stairs of the tall buidling behind HON.

I think there should be rule against it. Infact the rules should be so that the obelisk at least has to shoot you.


If you can make it because of the VET system it should be fine but other wise not.



[All maps]

There should come a rule against kill wh0ring with tanks.

And i mean this ofc when the game is close to ending.

I have seen allot of games where BAR, WF and AGT or HON, AIR and OBI are dead and that the oppisite team just buys apc's, meds, mammy's, light's (Heavy armor tanks) and go kill people with out any intention to end the game. Think in the old days it was called APC Wh0ring.

Nearly always when this happends allot of people start to leave.




PS** I think the Vote system should be changed.

You got the kick votes, Powerdown Votes, Powerup votes and suddendeath.

We should get rit of the power down/up votes. And Chance the suddendeath votes to a 60 minuten timer before the game ends.





[City Flying]

No Obi / Hon walks. Unless you get shot by obi and life because of VET system.



No Beacon behind or on Tunnle entrance @ NOD.

No Beacon behind BAR wall.


[All MAPS]

No tank kill wh0ring when its close to ending.


**Vote System**

Vote for kicks

Vote for 60 minuten countdown to end of map.


No Powerdown

No Powerup

No Suddendeath.



Please let me know your thoughts.


Hmm you you want add this new Rules? For this maps


Just to what map they are under.

The kill wh0ring is kinda hard on maps with no base defends, those kind of maps useally end real soon.


So you want to make it easy for anyone who places a nuke or ion to have it disarmed?  Generally if both sides can do it, then no foul.  This game has evolved over the 13 years of it's existence, and rules have been added after lengthy discussions,  Just because you don't know how to find/disarm them doesn't necessarily mean a rule change.

  • Like 2

I disagree with these.. in short the changes won't make the game much more fun or balanced for players. It would actually reduce the number of tactics that can be employed, and it requires good timing or skill to use these methods effectively


I fail to see how you could apply no HoN walking in city flying but leave harv walking on most maps. Then is harv walk to AGT from tunnel in Field allowed? Because it's pretty much the same thing, but using a moving cover. What about PP walking in under?

The charge-up time of the Obelisk is part of it's balance, just as its strenght towards vehicles compared to the AGT. I know your argument here is that Nod can't walk in WF on city in comparison, but then it's not like Nod is losing all the time on that particular map.


I don't even know where to begin.




They are suggestions.

But really also how i feel about it.

I just find it odd that walking to the obi is considered a "Glitch"

While walking to hon is not. But from there you can walk to obi too xD


As for the Canyon one. The ion behind the tunnle wall takes no team play at all.

And it is damn near impossible to disarm cause its "outside" base. Evryone knows where is is but there is just fack all you can do about it.


The nuke behind the wall @ BAR is also damn near impossible to protect. While evryone knows where it is.


Ob walking is a glitch because you'd get shot normaly using normal game mechanisms, while HoN walking is just a perfectly timed movement that gets you where you want without taking damage (though it might not have been throughly balanced to begin with)


I hate every single one of these and would completely ruin the game for me




[City Flying]

No Obi / Hon walks. Unless you get shot by obi and life because of VET system.

The Ob walk isn't allowed anyway.




No Beacon behind or on Tunnle entrance @ NOD.

No Beacon behind BAR wall.



[All MAPS]

No tank kill wh0ring when its close to ending.

I literally lol'd when I read the extended version. When 1 team overruns the others base and refuses to end it, its usually cause no1 has a beacon. Just go into !spectate mode with ur sexy mod powers.


**Vote System**

Vote for kicks       


Vote for 60 minuten countdown to end of map. 

Sure, I like it. Would come down to points tho and the whores would win, not the people doing the most vehicle kills.


No Powerdown  

Absolutely fucking not x2. Suddendeath is bs, powerdown is less.

No Powerup   

That's a thing?

No Suddendeath.   

Fuck yes.

No I disagree. These rules are useless, they will ruin the fun all that is left of it.


I hate tank whoring so would definitely vote yes for that one, but i suppose it would be difficult to mod that.


Which is where the votekick (YES PLEASE) would come in.

Sometimes people are just annoying and they should get kicked. n00bs for TH only cover so much, I personally always run out of the amount of n00bs I can give :) The votekick could also be used for the wh0ring, just kick the people that only run around squishing people in their tanks.


I hate tank whoring so would definitely vote yes for that one, but i suppose it would be difficult to mod that.


Which is where the votekick (YES PLEASE) would come in.

Sometimes people are just annoying and they should get kicked. n00bs for TH only cover so much, I personally always run out of the amount of n00bs I can give :) The votekick could also be used for the wh0ring, just kick the people that only run around squishing people in their tanks.

So you don't like getting squished?  It happens to be legal, so is tank whoring, btw. TH is something used to impede your own team and is not legal. Just cuz you can't deal with tank whoring, maybe you should get your team together to take the tanks out, instead of wanting to ban it..

  • Like 1

i dont like ob hitting me so i suggest we remove the obelisk from every map.


Ob walking is a glitch because you'd get shot normaly using normal game mechanisms, while HoN walking is just a perfectly timed movement that gets you where you want without taking damage (though it might not have been throughly balanced to begin with)

Walking backwards to the obi is a glitch, not walking forwards.


i missed walking backwards reloading my pistol


I just miss having to remember to load my pistol.


Damn those scripts.



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