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Mango's VIP app

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 1) What is your real name? Brandon.


 2) What are you ingame character name(s)? Mango the Man.


 3) How old are you? I am 13.


 4) What country and region are you from? I am from United States of America and the region i live in is Northeast Minnesota.


 5) How long have you been playing terraria? 91 hours on my steam account  "Angelika"  and i spent 72 hours on  Rencorner Terraria Servers.


 6) How did you find our server? A friend of mine showed me and i was addicted ever since i joined.


 7) How long have you been playing in it? about 3-5 weeks, not constant though, about 4-5 hours a day usually more since i have lots of fun on that server and you know what they say "Time flies when your having fun."


 8) Why do you want VIP? To be trusted more by "Default" players.so i can help them with questions. And another reason is there is not many staff on, and my idea is to become  a trial mod, half mod, mod, and when i get that  (i probably wont since im a kid XD) i spend more time into the Rencorner Terraria Server's and help as many players as i can, such as responding to racism, cheating and, griefing.



Adding you now, welcome to RC. Be sure to read the pinned topics in the Terraria section about voting(you'll need the server platinum from it for ranking up).

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