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Back from the edge!

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Some of you who frequent this server might remember me from n00bstories where I served as moderator for the server between 2005 and 2012 (ish).


in 2009/10 we had an incident on the server following growing tensions between mods, admins and the top admins erupted resulting in a server split. At the time i referred to the split as an 'exodus' on IRC of  notable and important mods and admins from the server and incidentally they chose that very term to name their  server which did not seem to fare brilliantly in the long term and ultimately may have contributed to the downfall of Renegade around that time.


For the benefit of renegade and some of the friendships I had built up I chose to stay with NS  and continue moderating there, but  numbers declined and ultimately resulted in the servers death a couple of years ago. Jelly carried the torch but seems to have also died now so we are left with Rencorner to which I turn my attention to and am very grateful still exists,


 I became far less active  from 2010/11 due to the birth of my son and stopped playing altogether for about 2 years prior to this summer, but felt the time was right to come back and enjoy the game again.


I post this message not only to reintroduce myself and to say hello to those who I remember from the glory days. ( Gr8bigguy, Joejj, Glors) etc but also to mention  we have 2 new players who ive got into the gane, namely my partner ( yes a woman!) and son, who is only 5 and a half.


Their username is Babyfire2 (in honour of babyfire4) which probably means nothing to most of you).


Because they are new I have trained them somewhat on the single player but that doesn't really compensate for the real thing. My son lacks the successful hand coordination to work mouse  gun and movement accurately yet, although in 2 games he has picked up an awful lot. They will be in the server from time to time so if on occasion they appear to be firing wildly into the sky or running aimlessly a\round please be kind, in the near future it will increase the population of ren so that can only be a good thing!


See you all on there and heres to the next  chapter of Renegades community.

  • Like 1

Oh yea! Hi and welcome back!


Welcome to Rencorner.


Firing wildly into the sky and running around aimlessly? Sounds like they'll fit right in with the remaining population. :P


Welcome back soad.

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Welcome back! I do remember you from n00bstories when I used to play there. Damn old times.

Anyway, glad to hear such good news and to see you back again, with 2 more players even.

So, welcome to Rencorner and we'll see ingame.







Firing wildly into the sky and running around aimlessly? Sounds like they'll fit right in with the remaining population. :P


Welcome back soad.



I look forward to seeing you in game and my tank can't wait either(squish) lol.


Welcome back. I am still a mod at Exodus. I remember your name. I hope you enjoy it at Rencorner :)




your name is familiar, welcome 

  • Like 1

Hey Soad, your name is familiar to me. Welcome back! Your story sounds a lot like mine, if you replace noobstories with the koss2.


Glad to see you back at Renegade


n00bstories.. Those were the days. Welcome back! And welcome to the two new members. :)


I've seen babyfire2 in game -- she's good! Welcome back and aboard! :)

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