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 1) What is your real name?: Tristen


 2) What are you ingame character name(s)? Please pick a main one aswell!:BunnieSpider


 3) How old are you?:15


 4) What country and region are you from?:USA


 5) How long have you been playing terraria?:Around 2 years


 6) How did you find our server?:some cool peeps recommended it


 7) How long have you been playing in it?:I have lost track.


 8) Why do you want VIP?:I already had VIP, before that 3.0 thing and the server reset the plugin, BunnieSpider was my username in the last one too, so pls re vip me.



  • Veteran Admin

Your name does seem familiar, eh, accepted.

  • 2 months later...
 1) What is your real name?: Ian Jung




 2) What are you ingame character name(s)? Please pick a main one aswell!: SupremeNachoz




 3) How old are you?:19




 4) What country and region are you from?:USA




 5) How long have you been playing terraria?:Around 2 years




 6) How did you find our server?:I found it in terraria server list




 7) How long have you been playing in it?:about 12 weeks




 8) Why do you want VIP?Because people grief and i want to ban hackers and griefers, and they always grief me.

Ian, 3 problems here - 

1) You need to make your own thread for VIP, not post it on someone else's.

2) VIPs have no powers to ban.

3) You yourself have griefed several times, so I would suggest you look at your own actions too. 

Please make your own thread and consider your own actions.

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