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Live Streaming TF2

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december 3rd at 8pm central i would like to do a live stream on the tf2 rencorner server so i'm hoping you guys will show up and support my stream


4 hours till live stream hoping some tf2 players will get on and help


I'm updating the servers for the live steam. Which server are you picking?


any one that will have players in it :D


Ok, nearly done now, just backing up the servers then I'll launch them in next 5 - 10 minz.


you got time ice doesn't start for another 3 hours


live stream starting hope you can make it either onto the server or the stream would love to see you there


thank you all to showed up to the stream hope to see you tomorrow at 8pm central when i stream ARK: Survival Evolved

On 03/12/2015, 03:19:55, theilsomers said:

december 3rd at 8pm central i would like to do a live stream on the tf2 rencorner server so i'm hoping you guys will show up and support my stream

8pm central? that was 2am UK   -.-

Would have been better if I'd featured :P



i didn't even play on the server no one was on

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