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Elliott PC VIP

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1) my real name is Elliott Whitelaw

2) My in game name is Elliott PC

3) i play from 3-5 hrs a day

4) i am 9

5) none

6) 2

7) ????

8) no

9) tell a admin or ban them

so please let me be a VIP

Hey there, thanks for applying! Though, it seems you may have answered the wrong questions. Mind editing your post to answer these ones instead?
 1) What is your real name?
 2) What are you ingame character name(s)? Please pick a main one as well!
 3) How old are you?
 4) What country and region are you from?
 5) How long have you been playing terraria?
 6) How did you find our server?
 7) How long have you been playing in it?
 8) Why do you want VIP?
1 minute ago, TheHipsterMcGee said:
Hey there, thanks for applying! Though, it seems you may have answered the wrong questions. Mind editing your post to answer these ones instead?
 1) What is your real name? Elliott Whitelaw
 2) What are you ingame character name(s)? Please pick a main one as well! Elliott (PC)
 3) How old are you? 9 years old
 4) What country and region are you from? USA North america
 5) How long have you been playing terraria? January 8, 2016
 6) How did you find our server? me and my friends found it
 7) How long have you been playing in it? i don't know so ill guess 1 month
 8) Why do you want VIP? because i love this server and the staff is EPIC and the builders here are very experienced! and this is my favorite server so far


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