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Hey there,

I'm currently having problems logging into the Terraria server, i'm aware that Rencorner had heavy Ddos problems but from the chatbox i'm gathering that you managed to solve them.

So, uhm, did you change the server ip or is it me just not being allowed by the gods to come back?


Please read your PM that I sent you.


When was the last time you were on the server? I deleted all old nicks awhile back.

When you get in, you may have to register.

7 hours ago, shaitan said:

When was the last time you were on the server? I deleted all old nicks awhile back.

When you get in, you may have to register.

This is Control Terminal, one of our regular and long-term builders, and he was on last week, so it's just that his info is incorrect.


Thanks Sithis!

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