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As most of you know, I am the old man around here, old enough to be most of you guys grandfather. The community is going to shit, and I for one (trust me, there are more) don’t like it .

I don’t really want to post in this in public, however this concerns the whole RC community. I have noticed a lot of changes going on, new people in power, server crashes, Minecraft server rollbacks and glitches to a point where the fun of RC Minecraft is harder to justify playing.

From the time I got here in July, I immediately liked it. Ani and Shai combined to make this place special, and I felt like I should donate to the server to keep it going. Now, I am not so sure this is the same place that attracted me here.

For some reason unbeknown to me, I have been removed from mod status! No one had the courtesy to alert me of it. Thanks for keeping me in the loop!

Animoski has taken RC to someplace unrecognizable over the past months. I don’t blame him for trying to better RC, but his decisions have not been solid. I liked the idea of an “open” format where the community has “input”. That has changed!

Decisions have been made without discussion, not in the public forums or the mod forums, such as Volcom coming into the community and being made an admin within 1 week of showing up. Rumor has it he has contributed a substantial amount to Ani, on condition of his admin status. I understand a business arrangement, but if the business is outside the scope of RC, does that qualify an admin position? If it is for RC, I haven’t seen his contribution listed? How much would I have to donate to get admin status?

Sean shows up and becomes public relations coordinator. I didn’t know we had that job available.

I see RC has become a home for OSTK, but does that qualify most of the newbies to RC to have mod status? I didn’t see mod apps for some of them.

I didn’t like it when Xpert, was made admin, for his scripts (at least we discussed it), then Agent was made an admin due to their skills with the server, only to take advantage of his position. Then when removed, he did the spiteful and childish thing to deny all of us our enjoyment of playing, by deleting the minecraft server files using back door tactics to gain access to the server when access was denied. Now he is on Ani’s good side again. I don’t understand Ani, please explain it to me, if someone fucked up my server, he’d be untrustworthy and forgotten. Maybe you should re-read this: http://rencorner.net...-other-updates/

With sadden heart,


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All I can say is I read your post and I share many of your concerns. As for the arrangement between Animoski and myself, the money was not exchange to rencorner per say, but it has been used for it. I also would not consider it a donation as I did purchase half of Neron Host. The company that is used to host all of our servers. Any more questions can be asked to me on pm or on irc. I do not feel any more information than that needs to be released to the public. Although I can ensure you every decision I have seen made has been an attempt to better RenCorner.


Thank you!


You have have been inactive in Renegade for months. You and a few others were to be put into the "veteran mod" category. It was that, or be removed totally(that was a concession to keep you guys around, you'd still have mod standing). As it stands consider it just "limbo". I know I've brought it up on teamspeak at least once. I think it was the same night I spoke with RnD about it. If I didn't explain it, I am sorry. I may have been sidetracked.

Billie has been working on it, and each time I try it out to put it in the bot, it errors. I've got one more of his to try out when the server is dead.(Which just failed again as I speak).

The OSTK thing: it just so happens a few of the ones who are the most level headed happen to be them. Don't try and bash on a clan for that. Most of them are newbies from RC who were invited into it.


Wow no love for Dronez LMAO

jk m8 u know i <3 u


The OSTK thing: it just so happens a few of the ones who are the most level headed happen to be them. Don't try and bash on a clan for that. Most of them are newbies from RC who were invited into it.

It was an observation not a bash. Just a thought, how can you be from something and be invited into something?



As most of you know, I am the old man around here, old enough to be most of you guys grandfather. The community is going to shit, and I for one (trust me, there are more) don’t like it .

I don’t really want to post in this in public, however this concerns the whole RC community. I have noticed a lot of changes going on, new people in power, server crashes, Minecraft server rollbacks and glitches to a point where the fun of RC Minecraft is harder to justify playing.

I'll speak with Shadow and shai about looking into the various problems with MC and trying to make it as stable as possible, if its something that can be fixed, it will be mate.

For some reason unbeknown to me, I have been removed from mod status! No one had the courtesy to alert me of it. Thanks for keeping me in the loop!

There clearly must've been some break down in communication, everyone should be informed of changes to their status and I'm sure it was just a honest mistake.

Animoski has taken RC to someplace unrecognizable over the past months. I don’t blame him for trying to better RC, but his decisions have not been solid. I liked the idea of an “open” format where the community has “input”. That has changed!

I've stated many times that without the players approval, things shouldn't be changed, any changes that are planned should be talked about first and if necessary run a poll to see if the players like yourself want it or don't, we very much value your feedback in any matter.

Decisions have been made without discussion, not in the public forums or the mod forums, such as Volcom coming into the community and being made an admin within 1 week of showing up. Rumor has it he has contributed a substantial amount to Ani, on condition of his admin status. I understand a business arrangement, but if the business is outside the scope of RC, does that qualify an admin position? If it is for RC, I haven’t seen his contribution listed? How much would I have to donate to get admin status?

All I can do is apologise in terms of decisions being made without discussions, the matter between Animoski and Trojan is private, but I can say for sure that what they've done has definitely benefited RC. In regards to decisions being made without a discussion, this is something that most definitely can be worked upon and will be for sure.

Sean shows up and becomes public relations coordinator. I didn’t know we had that job available.

You and me both mate! We was just randomly talking about Jelly and mpf having a community war and how cool it would be on teamspeak and how cool it would be if we could do something like that, one thing lead to another and before I knew it I had been drafted in to help out with things (later I realised that I was actually running them).

Whats your main concerns about RC Minecraft at the moment?

If you have any further concerns or recommendations for anything, please state it here or in private, whichever you prefer and we'll see if your suggestions can be implemented.

- Sean


I share your concerns Joe, you may be an "old man" But your points are valid. I agree with everything you said that I am aware of. The stability of the Minecraft server (from what i've seen) is pathetic. I tried it out a few months ago just for fun, (mind you i hadnt joined/played in a server in a year or more) and within 30 minutes of my playing the server crashed and rolled back to before i joined! jd asked me if I wanted my stuff back, I declined and left and never returned. I was trying to work with ani to install a very solid looking plugin for backups, that would stop any of this from happening, mainly making the server save its map state more regularly. (I'm assuming it doesn't since it rolls back so often...) I have a friend I butted heads with for awhile, in his way of running his minecraft server, hes german. However looking back at him, he always ran a solid and stable server, he never had costly rollbacks. I have no idea why I am typing all this, but I did anyways. ._.

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I am one of the ones Joe cited in (There are more) here, RenCorner is a world apart from when I first came here many many months ago now, everything he has listed is not only fair and accurate, more frighting it is not stopping here it seems like, these days less and less is made public knowledge, instead decisions are made behind closed doors, there is rarely a vote on much of anything aside from moderator votes much less are a number of staff even informed of changes normally until AFTER they have been made.

We accept money to have people be made Administrators, (Nothing personal Volcom, I am more looking at this as a poor business practice on a part of RenCorner/NeronHost) yet the donators whom we should be kissing their asses rarely these days are shown any real regard, I need not cite examples, I am sure many are known.

We have brought on and intentionally kept on people who have caused problems or showed signs that problems with that would either continue to happen or get worse, I cite the Agent debacle as it is one of the finest periods in this community's more recent history where every one of us saw the signs and the problems and did very little to prevent the damage, that or we simply settled with an "Only in the short term" solution for what was otherwise something that should have never been allowed to happen.

Off topic but to this day, I can and will lash back at any disrespect of BioPrince I hear from anyone, while he may certainly may of had faults, he was a committed staff member during his time and one who today deserves more respect and regard then I am sure he will ever be given by most around here, we have him to thank for if nothing else giving this community a firm push towards a Minecraft Server, more so now and until the day I leave this community, I will remain firmly disgusted at some of the views held that BioPrince takes all of the blame while I rarely hear anyone hold Agent to account for his actions during that time period.

These are among many further examples I can cite but I won't because contrary to how I am sure most will regard this post, I am simply being honest and stating matters how I see them, RenCorner today is very far removed from the ideals that founded it for the second time around now and each day that passes, it seems more and more do we drift away from even the things that should matter most, honesty, integrity, respect, drive and most of all loyalty between staff members not between each other but to RenCorner and whatever the future may be for it the way things have been going.


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I am not going to write a 10 page essay on this like everyone else did but I agree with Joe, When I first came to Rencorner I fell in love with it, I dropped 1 Admin spot, 3 Full mod spots, and a Develepor spot for Rencorner. I wasn't even looking to be mod I just wanted to play in Rencornor, I loved the community I loved the people here. Now everything is so different it's not the same people, it's not ran the same anymore, it's like people are divided into groups, everything has passwords or blocked off now. Everything is swept under the rug and hidden from everyone. I miss when we stuck together as a community and fought together. Moderators use to have some power on forums and ts now we have no power. Everything is so diffrenet now, I use to be excited to come on ts and talk to everyone and play with everyone now I feel burnt out from it. I remember you all hated me so much when I first came here, then all of you started talking to me and getting to know me and liked me, for example me and shai couldn't stand each other we hated each other so much we talked shit on renforums all the time on each other and now we defend each other and stick up with eachother to does douchebag jelly retards. Reborn and I have a way long past and now we are really close. Just everything was so perfect now it's like nobody talks nothing gets resolved just hidden or locked away. I miss all the fun. I miss the old Rencornor

Sorry if that didn't make sense, I just got done with school and work and first time sitting on the computer today my mind is fried, I will probably make a better post later on.

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Moderators use to have some power on forums and ts now we have no power.

Noob, moderators have "power" ts. Pay attention sometime. They can kick/ban/ips. That's all you need. -.-
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Guest Animoski

Warning: Wall of text incoming

A lot of the problems addressed are things that have been itching myself recently. I'm glad everyone is sharing their concerns and if people still have hope & trust in me, I promise to make it better - and will begin doing so addressing concerns in this topic, followed by an announcement within the next 2 days. I've been slacking and holding back from running this community the way I want to, which is how it was in the beginning. For that, I feel i've been letting everyone down. I'm genuinely thankful for having a community that actually gives a crap and will go the extra mile to discuss things instead of just raging off.

I promise to take control back, and to continue the old tradition we once had.

As most of you know, I am the old man around here, old enough to be most of you guys grandfather. The community is going to shit, and I for one (trust me, there are more) don’t like it .

I don’t really want to post in this in public, however this concerns the whole RC community. I have noticed a lot of changes going on, new people in power, server crashes, Minecraft server rollbacks and glitches to a point where the fun of RC Minecraft is harder to justify playing.

Coming home at 10pm after a long night of school, flat out scared me reading this post. I was starting to expect the worst after your 2nd sentence. A lot of the changes that have been happening, which aren't a lot to begin with, is bringing in more people to help around. I wish I had the time I did in the summer, when most of this community first got together. I find it hard to catch up just reading all the new replies we have on the forums everyday!

From the time I got here in July, I immediately liked it. Ani and Shai combined to make this place special, and I felt like I should donate to the server to keep it going. Now, I am not so sure this is the same place that attracted me here.

For some reason unbeknown to me, I have been removed from mod status! No one had the courtesy to alert me of it. Thanks for keeping me in the loop!

If you're talking about Renegade. A lot of the moderators we have around here had completely unacceptable activity. The concern was brought up multiple times between shaitan and myself. We've always decided to keep you guys around because we believe in loyalty, and we're in the process of upgrading BRenBot so it has more moderator levels, in your case (as well as others) we were trying to add a "Veteran Mod" level.

Animoski has taken RC to someplace unrecognizable over the past months. I don’t blame him for trying to better RC, but his decisions have not been solid. I liked the idea of an “open” format where the community has “input”. That has changed!

I wouldn't say RC has been taken to unrecognizable levels. The main person in charge is still me, with shaitan coming in 2nd and Volcom right behind in 3rd. The same people manage the Minecraft server. Nothing really has changed, besides morale. Our next step is to become a more open community, and going back to our roots.

Decisions have been made without discussion, not in the public forums or the mod forums, such as Volcom coming into the community and being made an admin within 1 week of showing up. Rumor has it he has contributed a substantial amount to Ani, on condition of his admin status. I understand a business arrangement, but if the business is outside the scope of RC, does that qualify an admin position? If it is for RC, I haven’t seen his contribution listed? How much would I have to donate to get admin status?

Volcom coming into the community seemed right. Even if he didn't invest in a company that was yet non-existent (and still pretty much is), I would have taken the initiative to get him on board regardless. He has experience in running communities, and luckily enough for us, that experience is shared to some extent with shaitan. His contribution wasn't extremely large, barely enough to keep RenCorner up and running for ~2 months.

Sean shows up and becomes public relations coordinator. I didn’t know we had that job available.

I see RC has become a home for OSTK, but does that qualify most of the newbies to RC to have mod status? I didn’t see mod apps for some of them.

I guess this sort've comes together. Sean came to this community expecting nothing. At the time, our "commwars" were virtually non-existent, and I was already thinking of ways of bringing the Renegade people more together. Sean showed deep interest in assisting in setting up these funwars for us, and since the 1st i've been extremely happy with the outcome and results. Everyone seems to be having fun. The job wasn't just "available" - it was out in the open. If anyone has any interest in the community and have an idea, come talk to me personally. I'm an open guy, and i'll gun for any idea that seems feasible and will benefit us. As for OSTK, RenCorner has sort've been the home for all the OSTK players before they officially deemed it so. Most if not all of the OSTK players play[ed] here.

As for the modlist:

[11:46] <~Animoski> !modlist

[11:46] <&RCAOW> Administrators: Volcom Shadow Animoski Wyld1USA OSTKshai

[11:46] <&RCAOW> Full Moderators: OSTKD4rKz RnD newtown19 OSTKJok3r OSTKdrone OSTKfl4p Good-One-Driver jks101

[11:46] <&RCAOW> Half Moderators: WNxM45T3R BigWrench WNxDestr0y3r OSTKFeda OSTKSarah Manuel857 djinn Rzrbk1018 [CMPS.]Ungy107 ReLaX

There are 7 OSTK members on the modlist. shaitan, D4rKz, Jok3r (which is jks101, whom was always a moderator, since the beginning), OSTKdrone (same as jks101, he's donez4 and was here since the beginning), fl4p which is just as big of a deal when it comes to OSTK as D4rkz is, and Feda who applied a while back. There isn't a single "newbie" on there.

I didn’t like it when Xpert, was made admin, for his scripts (at least we discussed it), then Agent was made an admin due to their skills with the server, only to take advantage of his position. Then when removed, he did the spiteful and childish thing to deny all of us our enjoyment of playing, by deleting the minecraft server files using back door tactics to gain access to the server when access was denied. Now he is on Ani’s good side again. I don’t understand Ani, please explain it to me, if someone fucked up my server, he’d be untrustworthy and forgotten. Maybe you should re-read this: http://rencorner.net...-other-updates/

I understand there is a concern out there right now about Agent and him possibly getting powers back in RenCorner. Let me start off by assuring you there is no possibility of a repeated history. The fact that he has deleted our server in the past, abused individuals in MC, and generally has a personality that doesn't agree with others, it would be in everyone's best interest to not give him *his own access* to anything. In the past days he has helped debug our MC server to an extent. Updating the server and giving his best shot at finding out what's making the server bug out.

Agent is a good kid, he has his head in the right place but doesn't always do right. Yes, he's on my "good side" but that's because as person, I find myself getting along with him just fine. Whenever I do have spare time, we derp around in games we share interest with. Same goes for Sean ^_^ Maybe my problem is i'm too forgiving and trusting. I'll be honest, my trust in people has been constantly getting worn out.

I'd like to end this post off saying damn. I truly and genuinely love this community, and not only because it's mine persay, but because I can't believe the feedback we've been geting. I truly feel we are a community of gamers for a community of gamers. When Sean left, the amount of people coming out and getting in touch to have him stay was insane. The only thing more insane would be Sean had he never come back.

I'm going to be making an announcement within the next 2 days. We definitely need to have a community meeting where everyone is invited to come and speak their mind. I'm not going to tolerate constant degrading of our community. I don't want to hear "this community is going to shit" without taking action, and the action I want to take is to prevent having to read posts like this unless they're from 10 year olds getting banned from MC.

I'm going to continue addressing concerns in this topic later on (have to get ready for school, finals and exams are coming up).

But the first orders of business would have to be to make sure our Minecraft server is up to par. I've sent Shadow a private message telling him the way the server is now is unacceptable. The server should not be randomly rolling back people's stuff, and it shouldn't be crashing. I regret to say that (as far as I know) Shadow is the only one capable of fixing the server up. I've looked into it myself and updated what I could.

That's it for now, thanks for reading. :)

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I don't know what people are trying to get at or if their trying to take stabs at me but I am still active even if not on teamspeak or irc and I have been aware of the recent issues on the minecraft server and shall be looking into them in detail in the following days however people must understand with the many version updates minecraft has gone through recently instability to a degree is to be expected, but the amount of times the server is crashing should not be happening and needs to be drastically reduced.


OMG! I cant read all this! Someone wanna sum up what ani & everyone else said? I read joe's, and then looked at the replies, and wtf?

And Joe, about the mod status, I dont know about renegade, but if you were taken off mod status off TeamSpeak, that is my fault. We remade the groups, but haven't added you back due to that we need your unique ID (aka; online at the time)


I don't know what people are trying to get at or if their trying to take stabs at me but I am still active even if not on teamspeak or irc and I have been aware of the recent issues on the minecraft server and shall be looking into them in detail in the following days however people must understand with the many version updates minecraft has gone through recently instability to a degree is to be expected, but the amount of times the server is crashing should not be happening and needs to be drastically reduced.

I like you Shadow you're ok. I wasn't trying to take a stab at you. But I and others run minecraft fine with no crashes. Look into how often the server saves its map data. Doing that would at least fix the resets when it crash. PM me on IRC if you have questions.

Guest Agent001

Off topic but to this day, I can and will lash back at any disrespect of BioPrince I hear from anyone, while he may certainly may of had faults, he was a committed staff member during his time and one who today deserves more respect and regard then I am sure he will ever be given by most around here, we have him to thank for if nothing else giving this community a firm push towards a Minecraft Server, more so now and until the day I leave this community, I will remain firmly disgusted at some of the views held that BioPrince takes all of the blame while I rarely hear anyone hold Agent to account for his actions during that time period.

You're implying Bio did everything. I'll stop there.

Also, it's worth noting the MC server doesn't appear as though it has actually crashed in a few days. ;)


Did I pour salt in open wounds Agent? he did alot, and never got half the credit he deserved for it, and for the shit you pulled, consider yourself lucky you can even post here, because you don't deserve it.


Before the crap starts: if it's inflammatory(considering all that's going on right now) you'd better rethink posting below me here.

Guest Agent001

I'm seriously trying to not start a conflict here, RnD, but since you seem determined to antagonize me...

Bio did less than half of what's present on the server today, and the bits which he completed could have easily been done by a 10 year old who'd never played the game. -- It's not that difficult to let plugins auto-generate configs and setup a few permissions (which still need improvement, might I add). As for anything I've done, the only action I've ever taken with the intent to harm was deleting the MC server so that the work I had completed since the last backup would be reversed. If you feel this didn't come with equal retaliation privately, you're naive.


The entire series of events is history, and nothing more. Move on.

Also, I didn't see shai's post before posting.

  • Veteran Admin

Wow....... B) ...


Ani, Thank you for your in depth reply, looking forward to what you have to say...

Lundy, you dork, you could have mentioned it! :wub:

I think if you (Ani) and Shai look at "!seen" on irc, you will see that other mods haven't been seen on renegade in months also, a few with OSTK. So, are they going to be moved to veteran status? I don't mind being put in veteran status (old folk retirement), however picking and choosing....eh, I don't know, seems a little biased.



My point stands regardless, as for RenCorner, I wait to see if this new trending attitude of actually becoming a functioning and united community again is just talk or we are serious about saving what little is left of RenCorner and what this community is intended to be, and Animoski, don't take offense when I say this, but if you wanna have more then your inner circle to have faith in RenCorner, show us.


"I don’t really want to post in this in public"

To be fair though, it's nice when you come across something that's interersting to read on a forum.


Ani, Thank you for your in depth reply, looking forward to what you have to say...

Lundy, you dork, you could have mentioned it! :wub:

I think if you (Ani) and Shai look at "!seen" on irc, you will see that other mods haven't been seen on renegade in months also, a few with OSTK. So, are they going to be moved to veteran status? I don't mind being put in veteran status (old folk retirement), however picking and choosing....eh, I don't know, seems a little biased.


Anyone that is inactive, will of course be moved to Veteran status, then if their activity picks up, they can be re-added to the group they was assigned to prior.

- Sean

"I don’t really want to post in this in public"

To be fair though, it's nice when you come across something that's interersting to read on a forum.

Sometimes when real issues are affecting a large portion of the playerbase, the best thing to do, is to post about it in public. There's no point in sugarcoating issues. We all want them to be fixed. :)

It is nice to see that everyone's working towards the same goal though, maybe in their own different ways, but working towards the same goal regardless.

Due to the likes of Joe/RnD speaking out about these issues, real change is happening.

24hours after this was posted, we added a different dev build to MC, we began looking into the possibility of new plugins for the server. Shadow was also alerted that the current state of the server was unacceptable, he was looking into the server issues anyways, but he's now doing that little bit extra as well and is making progress.

As public relations, I share many of the concerns shown by you guys, which is why I addressed every point with Ani/shai

Its the little things, like being made aware of changes before they actually happen and to get the chance to add your input before anything goes ahead.

Every staff member and player alike has a equal opinion and everyone is entitled to that. No community is perfect, but there's lots of guys here that have shown genuine concern for the community and have unfortunately been forced to speak out about these issues. Your concerns have been taken into account and I can already see policy change. :)

As I stated to you on TS Joe, it is never ever my intention to be a "extra layer" or the "go-to-guy" for issues/concerns. My main roll is to run community wars, secondary is to help players out with their issues and ultimately have fun in RC's servers. If you guys cant get a hold of someone from the administration, or you want a bit of help with getting something addressed/changed then if the idea/suggestion is sound then I'll help out and discuss it and we can move forwards stronger than ever.

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