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1. my real name is Andrew                 2. my in game name is Camflht that's all             3. 13                  4. America  
5. I  to played terraria a long time ago back in 2014 and quit and the joined d back today                    6. I found this server
 cause I wanted to join back up on terraria and I herd about it on Minecraft and I have been with rencorner Minecraft sense December 2014
7. I joined today and I plan to come on at least 1 time a week maybe more             8. I want VIP for the building area

Goodness, you pasted the entire thread. I've gone ahead and edited it so you only have the answers in here. 


Accepted! You also have access to /rank up (be sure to /vote every day!) and the portal gun :)


okay thanks



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