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Muted Cause I'm a Dumbass

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Hey all!  I don't know who muted me last......I don't even care.....I deserved my muting.  I might even deserve muting for life.  Why not?  Okay, so here's the skinny.......I miss some of you......I miss some of you ALOT.  I am sorry for being an intoxicated jerk (no, not you Blazin, even sober you're still an idiot).  I can't promise you that I, or anybody else for that matter, will ever not need muting again.  What I can say is that I would like to be able to not team hamper and be unmuted when I play at Rencorner.  I am sorry for constantly letting you guys down in this matter and I will do my best to get it under control or rage and quit AFTER I leave the server.  You all don't deserver the bullshit and you might want me to help every now and then or join TS so you can chat with me, I don't know.  What I do know is that I'd like to at least try to be better and would appreciate one last chance.  I will even stop hating on Shai........damn that was hard.  Really though, what say you? 

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From my POV u need some Help, really. Nothing else to add.


We've gone through this countless times and it always ends up like this. Your apology is NOT accepted and you stay muted.


I think you need to seek a therapist dude. You are one of the strangest guys I've met on the internet by far.  You are 30+ years old and act like a toddler.  You never play when you're ingame, you just make up nonsense phrases and accuse people of cheating, sometimes you play 30 minutes and get under 200 points.  You are ALWAYS a hamper to your team in that regard muted or not, and your raging and random bullshit is not appreciated. This would be like your fifth chance.  You have issues and you need help.

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Hate to be the odd man out but I like you grid.  We all have issues. Ain't no thing. But to consistently bring those issues into a game where, at least for me, I go to relax and pass the time, does sour the time I am spending. I am sure others will agree.   I don't want to see you muted but in your manifesto, it wasn't quite an apology. You still managed to throw some shit at someone (blazin).  Not a way to earn back what you want (unmute).  Perhaps edit your post or better yet start over.  I hope you can convince the right people you shouldn't be muted but it may be a long road.  Good luck.


you apologize way too much, either accept who you are or work to change.


Accepted who I am..........peace........mute is fine


I'd suggest you guys start using teamspeak. Get you in a lot less trouble.  Sorry I hadn't replied to your PM's grid im working a lot and when I seen them you were offline. We will speak soon in the future. 

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