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Moderator stuff

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As some of you may have noticed today, I've been cleaning house, so to speak. All of the people who haven't been around, have been demoted. Forums, IRC(still have to do the MC section(Hipster helped with the IRC Terraria part)), Teamspeak are done.

There are alot of free spots open, so if anyone wants to be a moderator in Minecraft, Renegade, or Terraria now is the time to put that application in. You're also going to see some people being made moderator at the drop of a hat without the normal pollings. Suck it up buttercups, because it needs to be done. We have to chat up potential moderators, we have to train said moderators.

In case you're wondering "why now?": we do this maybe once a year(I have to already be mad to do it, else I wont). Today it was done because when I got home, I see one of our Terraria servers just sitting there dead for 8 and a half hours, and not one person says a word/posts/messages about it/starts it up.

I can understand Ddosing, there is not much we can do but play whack-a-mole with IP changing. I can understand people being busy. What I do not understand is seeing it dead because of people not getting their way and throwing a fit(then getting their way) and still throwing that fit by not playing lately.

If you're not going to help, then why bother?


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Definitely hear what you're saying. In terms of Renegade, I am always willing to hop in the server if it's empty and wait for people, and they usually do come within like a half hour. Server can go from 0-10/12 pretty easily. As moderators, we are the ones who should be taking initiative and getting the server pumping with players and activity. I've never played Terraria, so I am not sure how the game/servers work, but moderators there should also take some initiative as well. As a moderator, the server becomes your responsibility so take some initiative and make your server as active as possible, which includes trying to get it started up when it's down. I also feel like the Terraria crowd is much younger, which may play a role in this.


Not sure why none of our mods reported this issue before you did but trust me when I say that they've all been talked to. It's summer vacation and most of these mods who we've gotten over the school year are out doing their own thing most of the time. Though I assure you that the higher staff here at Terraria will be on the lookout for new recruits now and are prepared to train up and promote/demote.

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