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Corrupt A Wish

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I play this game on other forums and its very fun and very active so I thought I would bring it here.

heh. Another game. This is a little different. One person posts a wish. The next poster then has to say, "Granted, but..." and then corrupts it. After that, he then puts his wish, and so on.


Person 1: I wish I had a hand grenade.

Person 2: Granted, but it explodes in your face.

I wish I had a pony.

Person 3: Granted, but it hates you and runs away.

I wish I could go to Universal Studios***

And so on.

I'll start:

I wish that so many people didn't cheat online.

***(Theme park and movie studio obviously for Universal Studios)

Guest Agent001

Granted, but all the former cheaters become skiddies, and start DDoSing the servers.

I wish for turtles.


Granted, but the turtles grow m60s on their shell and kill your whole family, while drinking all the vodka.

I wish for a Lamborghini.


Granted, but Rebecca Black is in it already.

I wish I had a spoon.

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Guest Agent001

Granted, but there is no spoon.

I wish for an incorruptible wish.


Granted, so Good-One-Driver gets alot of money.

I wish renny had more players

Guest Agent001

Granted, but they're all n00bs with ramjets.

I wish there weren't so many n00bs.


Granted, so they all download aimbot and make you ragequit everytime

I wish there was no sbh

Guest Agent001

granted, but all the other Nod characters gain stealth.

I wish that jks would stop repeating words on the 3 word story thread.


Granted, now he writes the words on your forehead in permanent ink.

I wish my pc stopped bsod'ing


Granted, but then a Lava Block spawns inside it and all goes to hell.

I wish Renegade had day and night cycles on maps. :U

Guest Agent001

granted, but all the players are forced to sleep at night.

I wish for pie.


Granted, I already ate it.

I wish I had a rat

Guest Agent001

granted, but he eats your brains out while you're sleeping.

I wish SpEeDr no cheater.


granted, but TAKER=ahmed

I wish the cake wasn't a lie


Granted, but it's now decorated with arsenic

I wish I remembered to go to bed before 2 every morning


Granted, but the boogie man in the closet is real.

I wish we could all just get along.


Granted, but aliens came to our plant and took over because we got along with everything and didn't want to fight.

I wish I had a good sandwich.


Granted, but it is invisible...

I wish I had a 24 hours C&C_Field.mix server...


Granted, but it crashed every minute.

I wish I wasn't so hungry...


Granted, you eat 'till you explode

I wish for an incorruptible wish


Granted, but we already had an incorruptible wish so this one can only be used for endless entries into the World Pattycake Competition.

I wish I had a ghost nappa.


Granted but,

I wish for a bar of chocolate


Granted, but somebody eats it before you have a chance

I wish for free pancakes for all


You got it, but because we are a fat nation NYC will ban pancakes.

I wish people who kill me get a mouthful of shit!


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