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Corrupt A Wish

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Granted, now you ARE confused!

I wish you weren't so raspisidious...



Granted, now Imma get some hacks for renegade

I wish I knew what raspisidious meant


lol, granted, raspidious is a made up word.

I wish for rain

Guest Agent001

Granted, but there's lightning too, and you get struck.

I wish for more tea.


Granted but the tea is filled with pee

I wish for a trip into space.


Granted, you go into a space in a state prison of your choice

I wish Agent would drink coffee instead of tea

Guest Agent001

Granted, but it's tea flavored coffee.... actually, it's just tea.


You forgot to wish for something, thus I'm corrupting all your life ambitions.

I wish for less cheaters in renegade


Granted, and now there are more assholes.

I wish we were all honest


Granted, but you found out some things you never wanted and killed yourself.

I wish I had $1,000,000.00

Guest Agent001

Granted, but it turns out to be wons instead of dollars.

I wish that I hadn't forgotten my wish in a previous reply.


Granted, but you realised it was a stupid wish and gave it to me.

I wish renegade wasn't so dead when I get off work.


Granted, so change your work hours!

I wish RC had more players than Jelly from now on.

Guest Agent001

Granted, but Renegade dies.

I wish I didn't put so much crap on my desk.


Granted, now it's on the floor next to your desk so you can't get to it.

I wish I didn't have to get up early tomorrow


Granted but you missed being the 7 billionth customer at MacD and the $1,000,000 prize.

I wish I got the prize.

Guest Agent001

Granted, but it's in store credits.

I wish for the worst wish ever.


Granted, but you get stuck on an island with only animoski for company

I wish people would revive the 3 word story thread

Guest Agent001

Granted, but it's not me because I can't think of a response.

I wish for tacos.


Granted, but they have a sbh suit.

I wish for a 7 hour Field map. :(


Granted, but you will loose that 7 hour field map!

I wish for one day everybody that has once played renegade in there lives to get back online and fill up every single server.


Granted, but Jelly puts out extra servers

I wish I knew what the heck half my compiler errors meant


Granted but before you could fix it your computer blew up.

I wish Agent knew how to currupt wishes better.

Guest bad2gurlz

Granted but Agent himself gets corrupted

I wish all the girls to kiss me


granted but you got aids and died shortly

I wish my car was finally done.

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