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Corrupt A Wish

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Granted,but now he have only 2 lives left

I wish nothing.

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Granted, but cake

I wish I could think of things to wish for


Granted, but you wont get it somehow even if you wish.

I wish Renegade 2 would never be cancelled


Granted but a moderator closed it

I wish to go to sleep (seriously i go guys,bye bye)

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Granted, but you get a night mare and never sleep again.

I wish I had more money


Granted, but you get a night mare and never sleep again.

I wish I had more money

Granted but u would waste them on weed & women.

I wish I'd have a sexy car.


Granted but somebody stoled ur car

I wish for G1d some cool nightmares

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Granted, but he will forget it .

I wish no lag for ALL renegade players


Granted, but your connection drops out every 3 seconds

I wish for pie


Granted, but its full of tiberium.

I wish my connection wouldnt drop me out every 3 seconds


Granted but it would do it every 1 second.

I wish this topic wont hit 200 pages.


Granted. Topic Locked.

Lol jks Granted, but it reaches 500

I wish for a new stat holiday.


Granted but now the holidays ended

I wish this topic to be never locked


Granted, but the forum crashes and this thread isn't backed up

I wish for more fridays in the week


Granted, but there will be 5 mondays for each friday lol

I wish less mondays for each friday :(


Granted but now there are 5 Thurstday for all the fridays (omg)

I wish for more holidays :( (school begin tommorow :( :( :( :( :( )


Granted but it begins the day after tommorow actually, today is Saturday.

I wish the author of Under would get naked then killed in a public place.


Granted, but you have to read under every day for the rest of your life

I wish for another night like last night


Granted but the night dissapear and the day come

I wish for more hours per day


Granted but you only get more minutes.

I wish holidays were longer.


Granted, but each more day you have to go 10 more days to school


I wish I wouldnt forget to wish something


Granted, you now remember everything you have ever needed to do, ever

I wish it was april already


Granted but you get january again instead..

I wish pesh wouldnt make double post.


Granted but now he doing triple posts

I wish to be  the Tripe posts day.

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