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kingVector11's Application for 'Trusted+ (accepted 8/9/16) (VIP 2/14/24)

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This is my application for Trusted, by me, KingVector11.

Questions / Answers :

Your first name / Victor Lednow

Your in game name, also include any other names you use. / KingVector11

Your age is? / 15 (May 22nd)

Where you are from? / St. Lin Laurentides, Quebec, Canada.

How long you have been playing Minecraft? / Since Beta 1.5_01 until the latest update.

Was our server recommended by a friend? if so, who? / No.

How did you find Rencorner / Online, after searching on Google 'minecraft servers'

Do you play any other Rencorner games (ie killing floor, terraria)? / Terraria, although I went on the Terraria RenCorner server only once.

Extra: I have read most of the rules of the server, and I agree that I should respect those around me (and myself), and to not use any mods/hacks/etc. to give myself an unfair advantage. I have never used any hacks or mods for Minecraft single player (except a mod called 'Pixelmon', but it was only on another laptop, but due to technical problems, all information on that laptop was reset to scratch about 4 or 5 months ago so I can no longer play Pixelmon) and/or multiplayer. I will try my best to read and remember all of the rules on the RenCorner forum so that I avoid breaking them. I will ask Admins or staff of RenCorner questions about my concerns, yet I will not complain if I'm not answered.

However, I am still going to school from September (1st - 3rd or 5th) to June (5th - 20th, but I will, or might, go on the server when all my exams are done and when I return home, and some of these days will have my exams, and others will not but I will study for the exams until my last day. I may also rarely show up one day during these months, and I may also show up during somewhat long weekends/breaks, like December 18th - 21st until January 6th, and other days).


Welcome to Rencorner Minecraft, Victor. Your application has been accepted.  Please respect our rules!  Please vote for our server here: http://mc.rencorner.co

Finally I got you here to apply, thanks for playing here!  You have proven yourself over and over again to be trustworthy.


  • Joetorp changed the title to kingVector11's Application for 'Trusted+ (accepted 8/9/16) (VIP 2/14/24)

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