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1) What is your real name? : Yousef

2) What are you ingame character name(s)? OpPL

3) How old are you? 10

4) What country and region are you from?  U.A.E. (United Arab Emirates)

5) How long have you been playing Terraria?  about 9 or 10 weeks

6) How did you find our server? I checked the terraria server list on google

7) How long have you been playing on our server? 18 days

8) Why do you want VIP? I like ranking up and i want more house features :)


You have broken too many rules. if you show that you can follow the rules  for about a week, you may be accepted for vip at a later date. Denied for now.

On 8/17/2016 at 1:19 AM, Charre said:

many rules. if you show that you can follow the rules  for about a week, you may be accepted for vip at a later date. Denied f

Umm, wat? I think, umm.. What are you talking about?


This user has since been banned for repeated hacking. Denied.

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