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This wont be fun

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Just heard today that the people who were looking at the property I work at, will be buying it.

I've been through those before...it generally means people may be kept on for awhile...then shit-canned.

So, looks like I'll be saving what money I can, while I can. My manager told me him, the accountant, and the general manager will be going to the owners other properties. Kinda puts a person in a bind when you're told not to tell your co-workers. 

How bullshit. 


Wow, that's unfortunate.

Good luck shai.


When I was working at IBM, we actually had to train the Canadians how to do our job at the company that underbid the contract.


I was hoping to use my vacation time asap...but they're trying to fuck me over. I brought it up to the GM, she got pissed told me I had to go to my boss...he got pissed told me its a bad time.

When he came back  later and said I could use a vacation day for calling off sick monday I asked "what does that have to do with what I asked?" And then I said "you going to these other properties all the time has nothing to do with me, and furthermore I've always gone around YOUR(and the other guys we've worked with) vacations/days at the other places...and you've yet to give me a single holiday off".

I think it's the first time I've ever made him that mad and storm out. Lmao at this point I'm kind of not giving a fuck. 

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Way to square up and finally put your foot down on the snake to hold it in place. Hope everything works out for you shai.


Omg when was the last time you had a holiday? Get some time off, you deserve it. 

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