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Showing a server on Renlist

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Hey guys,


A few days i've made my own server on Renegade, mainly for specific testing reasons. I'm able to connect to it through direct connect, but the server doesn't show up on Renlist. I've port forwarded the server, but it still doesn't show up. Any idea on what i'm supposed to do? I know getting my server shown on Renlist isn't necessary, but I want to do it anyhow to gain more knowledge on this for possible future purposes.


Port forward


P.S. Now that i'm at it, I've got BRenbot and Dragonade all setup, but i'm still wondering how i could get extra commands on my server, like !fly, !spectate, !gameover and other things. Some could already be included that I don't know about, so pardon me if i'm asking something silly here. Is there any site where i can get to learn more about this, or can someone give some advice on this?


Im your source of knowledge.  PM me

You usually need to allow port 4848 UPD game and 25300 UPD gsa by default on your firewall . ( you can specify the port to use for game and gsa )

AKA Master Renegade person

requisite any one looking for knowledge 

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