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On the twelfth day of Christmas.....

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On the twelfth day of Christmas
my true love sent to me:
12 Riflemen Drumming
Eleven Scouts Piping
Ten Stealth Tanks Leaping
Nine Enderman Dancing
Eight Sentry Guns Firing
Seven Spinos a Swimming
Six Wyverns Flying
Five Golden Dodos
Four Calling Creepers
Three Nod Tanks
Two Advanced Guard Towers
and a T-Rex in a Pear Tree


I thought I'd mix it up by including the games we host...forgot about killing floor and terraria. I'll try to do some themed one's just for each game we host when I get a free min or if anyone else want's to join in and make some up...fire away.

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A brand new SCV

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U forgot about the almighty med tank! 


Anyhow you didn't forget terreria ;-) They have wyverns.

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