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Marathon, RxD and Timed maps

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Can we change how frequently timed maps appear?

or better still... can we set specific maps to AOW mode instead of having timed maps randomly chosen?

Preferably all the maps which are best suited to AOW mode and all the maps which people complain about.
IMO City_Flying, Islands & Islands_RxD should be timed maps because they are Nod maps.
Field, Field_RxD, Under and Under_RxD should be set to marathon mode because they are server fillers :)

We would then have a solid rotation consisting of AOW, RxD & Marathon maps which everyone can get used to and accept as the norm.

also, We have the ability to vote for a power down or skip map on marathon maps, would it be possible to make an ingame vote to add more time to the current map if it is a timed map?


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It's fine the way it is. In my personal opinion there should be a higher percentage of aow but then others will say the contrary. 


At the moment, one of the Fields and one of the Under is always AOW. Considering they already take quite a lot of the server playtime, you'd really want to make them all mara? It's already an inside joke on the server (Under 24/7 woohoo!)

I've think (Sand aside) that non-base-def maps being AOW or mara doesn't matter very much these days since they both end in Base Destruction within 30 minutes in most cases.


i think we need more threads about this


Here we go again!

Agree the rotation could be better, disagree with your specific suggestions.


I agree, their should be more AOW. However, you my friend are the first person I have ever seen make a post requesting more AOW. Lately the player counts have dropped around the time I most feel like playing Ren so I've lost some of my passion for it. If more maps were timed I wouldn't leave so quick to avoid a team taking too long to end ruined games.

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