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Having problems running ren.win 10

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Posted (edited)

What's up guys  hey I got my boy a new laptop dunks55j and can't remember what all I have to do. Can someone help me out? Step by step I'm a Lil old so go slow.  What I did so far is download from origin and installed renlist.  What do I put in the options box for it to run. And where do I put scrips   idk what all I need to do. Thanks I appreciate it very much


Edited by CrazyCharger

Hey CrazyCharger!

I'm unsure what you mean by the options box in order for it to run. As for scripts, it appears the download link on the Tiberium Technologies website is broken. I tried finding another link for you to use to download scripts however I was unable. I'm sure somebody here will be able to help you out and provide you a link for the newest scripts. If I see Jerad, I'll ask him for you as he was the one who linked it on our forums previously.

Posted (edited)

In the renlist. Settings/general/Renegade executable idk what goes in that box. I downloaded ten there origin

Edited by CrazyCharger

the executable should be the place where renegade.exe is installed (ie. C:\westwood\renegade\renegade.exe). I'm not sure where origin installs the game but it should be pretty easy to find.


Thanks man what folder do I put scrips in what else is there?


It won't run  idk if I put scrips in the right place


Scripts should go in the renegade folder as well. Though the auto-installer should take care of that normally.


Yep that's what I did   nothing   idk I'll mess with it in the morning

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I'm such a n00b! I went checking renegadeforums and didn't check our own support section! Sorry CrazyCharger!


Right on  last night I found scrips ok. I put them in the renegade folder.  And I still can't get in game. Might try reinstall ing .do you have to patch the game like the old days? I wouldn't think so. 



When installing from Origin the game should be patched, so no need to do it yourself. Note that our ren server has been down since yesterday night so as soon as it's up and runnning we'll be able to assist you from IRC and tell you whether the scripts are really to blame for not connecting to the server.


I got it bro  don't ask me wtf I did idk but anyway   the game is windowed its not full screen   how do I change that???


Look for wwconfig.exe in the renegade folder


Yes I did but window mode isn't selected wonder if there is another way?

Posted (edited)

EDIt: no matter what you used to install ren (CD or Origin) if you installed TT and picking the right installation folder nothing should go wrong. Still i could help you out using teamviewer. just make sure you have renlist and changed its options to read the "game.exe"

Edited by rackz
5 hours ago, CrazyCharger said:

Yes I did but window mode isn't selected wonder if there is another way?

it is a check box


It needs to be run as administrator in the options, otherwise no changes will occur. I always thought the game was fullscreen by default oO


nah same thing happened with me, you after uncheck the windower box, click ok and exit config. run config again and then set your res.

shits fucking dumb


Actually i need to pick the scond last resolution to pick the highest resulution (1920 is my tv) ren shows its 1440, but if i switch one bar left then i get to choose 1920. :Grrr:

Posted (edited)

Idk I put it in window mode and reboot the game was playing on the left side of the monitor. Un checked the box and it was back in the center.  Blacked out on each side.  Idk wtf   his old laptop and the one I mess with are full screen. So I guess when I get back home il mess with it. I'm out of town working Now

Edited by CrazyCharger

i just checked the box and unchecked it again it works fine now yes i have windows 10

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