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I've immediately dealt with it in-game, I don't think this topic, the drama it will probably cause and the name calling are necessary.

Edited by Itai795
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You're the only fucking loser here Faggio6x9.

I told you to show me where it said it's not allowed and you went silent all of sudden.


Also is that how mods are supposed to act? When I joined in all caps you said 'I GOT YOU FRAPSED YOU FAGGOT'



Useless shit

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9 minutes ago, WNxH3adSh00t said:

You're the only fucking loser here Faggio6x9.

I told you to show me where it said it's not allowed and you went silent all of sudden.


Also is that how mods are supposed to act? When I joined in all caps you said 'I GOT YOU FRAPSED YOU FAGGOT'



Useless shit

It's in the server rules in the renegade section.

We all need to try to cool it with the name calling. It's not making the situation any better.

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18 minutes ago, WNxH3adSh00t said:

You're the only fucking loser here Faggio6x9.

I told you to show me where it said it's not allowed and you went silent all of sudden.


Also is that how mods are supposed to act? When I joined in all caps you said 'I GOT YOU FRAPSED YOU FAGGOT'



Useless shit

Since when was Bubba a mod?

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You should've hit him in the head so he couldn't quit in time

ayy lmao

I quit to avoid death a long time ago on Jelly when I cared so much about KD. I got in trouble and haven't done it since. 

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Lol.. Didn't expect anything else from that guy..

+ You call other people a fag too (like many others ofc..)

+ I can fully understand Bubbas reaction

+ Nice how itai did !kill him at the end xD


Edited by u00fzTar
ayy lmao
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Point is, Nick did this too. And being banned 24h for it by @dronez4. Mods can read the report and results here: 



However, i have edited the topic title, to something more appropiate.


Edited by War0n
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@bad2gurlz I agree with badgirl. No need to call him fag or loser. There shouldn't be any name calling period! We are all adults here and should treat each other with respect. In real life we wouldn't act or say these things (I hope) it should be exactly the same on the internet and gaming. That goes for anyone, including headshot, as he has swore and treated people with disrespect in the past (myself included).

This is why wittebolx and cloud-zone failed, because it became the culture to insult people and create a negative environment, do we want rencorner to end up like that? I know I don't

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2 minutes ago, TDxSAP said:

@bad2gurlz I agree with badgirl. No need to call him fag or loser. There shouldn't be any name calling period! We are all adults here and should treat each other with respect. In real life we wouldn't act or say these things (I hope) it should be exactly the same on the internet and gaming. That goes for anyone, including headshot, as he has swore and treated people with disrespect in the past (myself included).

This is why wittebolx and cloud-zone failed, because it became the culture to insult people and create a negative environment, do we want rencorner to end up like that? I know I don't

^Just this.


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