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CrookedSmile's VIP Application

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1) What is your real name?


 2) What are you ingame character name(s)? Please pick a main one as well!


 3) How old are you?


 4) What country and region are you from?

United States

 5) How long have you been playing Terraria?

October 2013

 6) How did you find our server?

I found it years ago before the server was remade and updated

 7) How long have you been playing on our server?

I used to play back in 2013 and when I recently came back to Terraria I saw the IP history listed the server

 8) Why do you want VIP?
I want to be VIP so I can help new members get wht they need to have an enjoyable experience. I also want to see how I like the return to this server to see if I'd be interested in the tempmod position 

Hello. Thanks for applying, however your application doesn't exactly make sense on many occasions. Your response to 6) Is not what we asked, we asked How did you find our server, by what means. Additionally, your response to 7) Its not possible that you could have been on our terraria server at 2013, because it opened in 2014. https://gyazo.com/94b3a33a2970344cfe117340de383fb3

Your name doesn't exist in the system either, you need to register in order to play, meaning that you need to register for VIP as well. 


Side note: If you are interested in becoming a Tempmod, you must be here two weeks, helpful and respectful then you may apply and we will review your application. 



Saw him in game just now actual name is "Crookedsmile" In his applicaton, the S was capitalized. (Register date 1/16/2018 for future reference) 


I had to have joined somewhere between 2014 to 2015. Any character I would have created back then is gone now. I found the IP for the server in my IP History from servers I played at. Regardless of this, I've been playing in the SSC server more actively for the past few days. I'm active as much as I can be to aide and play with fellow server members and visitors. I enjoy Terraria and the simplicity of Rencorner. Its fun and isnt super complex to get yourself rolling in game. I can offer my experience and a friendly and fun atmosphere for fellow players



I also originally found the server by searching google for public tshock servers back in the day


Got permission from Sat to accept, so... Accepted! Don't forget to type /vote and participate in events for a slightly upgraded rank!

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Skilz this is just a vip application, you can do those on your own. Crooked sent me a pm the other day, I assumed it was for moderator else I'd of already added him.


I know Shai ;p

Asked for Sat's opinion because some information wasn't theoretically possible (server launch date V.S arrival). Haven't had to deal with something like that ever.

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