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Me applying for VIP

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1) What is your real name?

Zandre Wepener

2) Please select a character name you'd like Raid Leader on. This rank will not replace any rank, as it is supposed to be separate and only used in certain scenarios (Only while actively using the rank for leading dungeons!). That does mean you'd need to have two accounts, one for regular play, and one for raid leading. 


3) How old are you?


4) How long have you been playing Terraria?

4 years

5) How long have you been playing on our server? 

±1.5 year(s)

6) How active are you? (Be as detailed as possible!)

I am alost active every weekend for about 5-12hrs and when I can during weekdays (I know okay, but Terraria and this server is pretty addictive.)

6) How well do you know Terraria mechanics of wiring and sensors?

Pretty well. I have a lot of experience at least.

7) Why do you want to be a Raid Leader? (Be honest, we can tell if you want it for the commands and such.)

I would like to be more involved with this server and help out as much players as possible, because there are a lot of spawn killing as if late. I mean extra commands sound great and all, but I can guarantee that, that is not the reason for signing up.

8) How many Lost Halls, Shatters and Other dungeons do you think you have completed? (Round to the nearest tenth) 

About ±310 in total.

9) Why should we pick you as a Raid Leader for RCTerraria? 

Honesty I have no idea. I guess there is no specific reason other than that I want to support new comers and make them feel at home to the server, other than that, I have no idea at all.

10) You accidentally use a command incorrectly and now someone has a special ability that they normally shouldn't have, what do you do?

Speak to them calmly and try to resolve my mistake as soon and as professionally as possible. Also gladly accept any punishment from my superiors for my mistake.

11) A player rushes the dungeon without the group and without permission, what do you do? (Be Very detailed)

I'll inform them the group rules once again, then I'll give them a chance to make up for what they did or just call them back politely. If they do not listen after my second warning, I'll simply remove them from the party. Rules are rules, break even just one of them and you'll have to bear the consequences.


This is hilarious lmao. 

1) This is a Raid Leader application, not VIP.

2) There are many reports from my staff members of you hacking on S2, Anarchy, which isn't necessarily a problem there, but on S1 it is. 

3) You haven't completed a single Lost Halls, Shatters, or any other dungeon. I know, because there are no Raid Leaders active, nor have I hosted any.

4) You lie, a lot...

[02/22/2020][07:00:08 PM] <~Skilz> !uinfo CrimsonSpark 
[02/22/2020][07:00:08 PM] <&RCterraria2> User CrimsonSpark exists. 
[02/22/2020][07:00:08 PM] <&RCterraria2> CrimsonSpark's group is default. 
[02/22/2020][07:00:08 PM] <&RCterraria2> CrimsonSpark's last known IP is [redacted].
[02/22/2020][07:00:08 PM] <&RCterraria2> CrimsonSpark's register date is 2/22/2020. 
[02/22/2020][07:00:08 PM] <&RCterraria2> CrimsonSpark was last seen 2/22/2020


[02/22/2020][07:00:05 PM] <~Skilz> !uinfo CrimsonSpark 
[02/22/2020][07:00:05 PM] <&RCterraria> User CrimsonSpark does not exist. 


No other characters exist with your UUID on S1.

Zandrecool is an alternate account of yours on S2, Anarchy/RC Hell, where he registered today. 



Step 1) Hack on the servers

Step 2) Apply for VIP on the wrong place, and lie on most of the answers

Step 3) Be completely rejected due to other players, most of them staff, reports of you hacking

Step 4) Add that to the fact that you lied in the application and the report's credibility skyrockets

Step 5) Ashame yourself like no other has ever done in this Terraria forum as far as I know

Nice job

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

This has to be the funniest application I've ever read

Edited by Ep1cGam3r
  • Like 1

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