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disable pointsmod pls

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Posted (edited)

why is this on lmao

I got a fix for tank snping whch i made like 8 years ago

Don't forget to change refinery credit tick to 2.0 instead of 2.5. In stock it parses 2.5 as 2.0 but 4.0 fixes it so u can 2.5 creds a sec. You can change this via server objects.ddb or via code (RefineryGameObjDefinition has a member for the credit tick)


	bool SnipersPointsCreditsMod::OnTtDamage(PhysicalGameObj* damager, PhysicalGameObj* target, const AmmoDefinitionClass* ammo, const char* bone)
    if ( (ammo->Warhead == 3) && target->As_VehicleGameObj() )
        //        if ( Commands->Is_A_Star(damager) )
        //        {
        const WeaponDefinitionClass *CurrentWeaponDef = Get_Current_Weapon_Definition(damager);
        if ( CurrentWeaponDef->CanSnipe )
            float DamageMultiplier = ArmorWarheadManager::Get_Damage_Multiplier(target->Get_Defense_Object()->Get_Shield_Type(), (int)ammo->Warhead);
            float DamageCalculated = DamageMultiplier * (float)ammo->Damage;
	//            Console_Output("TT: damageCalculated = %f, DamageMultiplier = %f, ammoDamage = %f\n",
//                DamageCalculated, DamageMultiplier, (float)ammo->Damage); // DEBUG CRAP
	            if (DamageCalculated < 30.f)
                int PlayerID = Get_Player_ID(damager);
	                float Credits = Get_Money(PlayerID);
                float Points = Get_Score(PlayerID);
                int Team = Get_Team(PlayerID);
                float TeamScore = Get_Team_Score(Team);
	                Commands->Apply_Damage(target, ammo->Damage, "Shrapnel", damager);
	                Set_Money(PlayerID, Credits+1.0f);
                Set_Score(PlayerID, Points+1.0f);
                Set_Team_Score(Team, TeamScore+1.0f);
	                return false;
        //        }
    return true;
bool SnipersPointsCreditsMod::OnStockDamage(PhysicalGameObj* damager, PhysicalGameObj* target, float damage, uint warheadId)
    if ( (warheadId == 3) && target->As_VehicleGameObj() )
//        if ( Commands->Is_A_Star(damager) )
//        {
            const WeaponDefinitionClass *CurrentWeaponDef = Get_Current_Weapon_Definition(damager);
            if ( CurrentWeaponDef->CanSnipe )
                float DamageMultiplier = ArmorWarheadManager::Get_Damage_Multiplier(target->Get_Defense_Object()->Get_Shield_Type(), warheadId);
                float DamageCalculated = DamageMultiplier * damage;
	//                Console_Output("STOCK: damageCalculated = %f, DamageMultiplier = %f\n",
//                    DamageCalculated, DamageMultiplier); // DEBUG CRAP
	                if (DamageCalculated < 30.f)
                    int PlayerID = Get_Player_ID(damager);
	                    float Credits = Get_Money(PlayerID);
                    float Points = Get_Score(PlayerID);
                    int Team = Get_Team(PlayerID);
                    float TeamScore = Get_Team_Score(Team);
	                    Commands->Apply_Damage(target, damage, "Shrapnel", damager);
	                    Set_Money(PlayerID, Credits+1.0f);
                    Set_Score(PlayerID, Points+1.0f);
                    Set_Team_Score(Team, TeamScore+1.0f);
	                    return false;
//        }
    return true;
Edited by Iran
Guest rackz

Spoony will be not happy to see that hahah 😛


I guess that's where this came from.


bool Damage_Events::SniperPointsWhore(DamageableGameObj *Victim,ArmedGameObj *Damager, unsigned int &Warhead)
	if ( SniperWhorePointsMod )
		if ((Warhead == 3) && Victim->As_VehicleGameObj() && Get_Object_Type(Victim) != Get_Object_Type(Damager))
			const WeaponDefinitionClass *CurrentWeaponDef = Get_Current_Weapon_Definition(Damager);
			if (CurrentWeaponDef->CanSnipe)
				float DamageMultiplier = ArmorWarheadManager::Get_Damage_Multiplier(Victim->Get_Defense_Object()->Get_Shield_Type(), Warhead);

				if (DamageMultiplier != 0.3f)
					Commands->Apply_Damage(Victim, 2.0f, "None", Damager);
					return false;
	return true;


  • Like 1

We've had it fine the way it is for years. It's disabled on the CW server, good luck getting it populated though.


Shai Wd had that running on the server when we used da_rc.dll for a long time.


That's what I was getting at, we've had pointsfix for years, and it's been fine.


13 hours ago, rackz said:

Spoony will be not happy to see that hahah 😛

Fuck spoony, I spent weeks arguing with him about it, that and where c4 is placed on the MCT, in Jelly.

2 hours ago, Joetorp said:

Fuck spoony, I spent weeks arguing with him about it, that and not placing c4 any part of the MCT, in Jelly.


5 hours ago, ehh said:


Sorry if it was incoherent, I corrected it.




you argued about how c4 is placed on a mct?

okay lol

  • Haha 1

Spoony was repairing the hand and got blown up by zendofu2's c4, spoony didn't see it cuz it was placed on the bottom of the mct, that pissed him off and he made a case to keep the c4 from being placed on the underside.  You can disarm it, it is just harder to do. Spoony is a fucking whiner...



Rofl, I remember that!  It sums it up nicely.



That spoony economy guide is so dumb, u can just get on bridge as nod on city_fly with engis  and c4 harvester from bridge. If gdi gets on brdge u can keep distance so u can rep each other and if they come close u can just drop off bridge and c4 harvester anyway


a good shooter should own the bridge

keep in mind that guide is for retards that played on ns, trust me they were terrible and when NS made their server fully vanilla, people were lost


that's when I came in and started building an empire


Screw pointsmod, bring back the good 'ol days of not having infinite ammo.

  • Like 1

I never liked the point mod, I do like inf ammo tho 

  • 2 weeks later...

about the c4 thing and Zendofu getting banned from Jelly. Back then there was an exploit where if you threw a timer into the MCT from a certain angle it would end up literally inside the MCT and couldn't be disarmed. It got disallowed but Zendofu ignored the mods and kept on doing it anyway. He'd also start team hampering whenever I joined the server, he'd stop playing and start following me around and telling the enemy what I was doing lol


About the c4 thing and Spoony being pissed off and complaining of a non event that happened 15 years ago.  It got disallowed because you made a big deal out of it. 

He didn't ignore any mods, when he was told to stop, he did!  He in fact got banned again after that, cuz liquid didn't like how he his drove his APC into arties and came out with c4 in his hand to place them on the arties.  Then he was accused of setting c4 on apcs' so they couldn't be disarmed.  He could't prove it when I challenged him on it.  Just as you couldn't prove that he "set" c4 inside the MCT.  It was all cuz you were surprised, and killed while healing the hand. 

You were poison on Jelly.  After this event with zend, you moved on to the point fix.  You must have known back then, that you were not liked (I am sure you didn't care), for your caviler attitude?  You played like you designed and owned the game. You made baseless accusations, and got me fired from my staff position,  I have nothing but disdain for you...



Wow zend was a glitch abuser. Who would of known.


i miss zend pming me that he was recording everything that i was doing


"About the c4 thing and Spoony being pissed off and complaining of a non event that happened 15 years ago.  It got disallowed because you made a big deal out of it." 

ermm…. until last week I hadn't even looked at renegade for a decade or more, you're the one who still whines about me apparently. The c4-inside-the-MCT thing was disallowed for a pretty good reason, it was undisarmable...


"He didn't ignore any mods, when he was told to stop, he did!"

He stopped what, Joe? The thing you said he didn't do at all? oops


"He in fact got banned again after that, cuz liquid didn't like how he his drove his APC into arties and came out with c4 in his hand to place them on the arties.  Then he was accused of setting c4 on apcs' so they couldn't be disarmed.  He could't prove it when I challenged him on it."

whatever, that's nothing to do with me


"Just as you couldn't prove that he "set" c4 inside the MCT.  It was all cuz you were surprised, and killed while healing the hand."

and you can't prove I was lying; you can believe me or you can believe zendofu, and I don't care which.


"You were poison on Jelly.  After this event with zend, you moved on to the point fix.  You must have known back then, that you were not liked (I am sure you didn't care), for your caviler attitude?  You played like you designed and owned the game. You made baseless accusations, and got me fired from my staff position,  I have nothing but disdain for you..."

You're right about one thing, I don't care if you like me. But you got fired because nobody trusted you.

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