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my name is ddaplayer,

since a few days or so I cant use any commands anymore nor can I send pm's or regular things like : !nextmap, !rotation etc, showmods, etc... EVEN NOT MINELIMIT or using Elena :yahoo-straightface:

In other servers no problem. Without these commands the game loses a lot of its charm. (also no !music, so even no Despacito :yahoo-worried:)

I've never had anything like this before and I am not a cheater.

(I only like to puke c4's sometimes but not on vehicles, just to protect the building). Which is not a glitch but a skill.

What is the reason for this? Who did this?


ps I'm a good Renegadian since 2004 & been a mod for years.




If it's only in this server, it sounds more like a corrupt file.

You can try deleting everything in the User/AppData\Roaming\Renegade\Client\ttfs\files, you'll have to download all the stuff from the server again when you connect but it might solve the issue.


He was muted by joejjj80 for 'too much bs' on [05/24/20 12:24:22] when he was on the nick ChineseRestaurant. I don't know based on the logs(could've been the players going apeshit in the game).

If you join the game and still cannot type...someone will have to '!fds unmute ID' you. Sometimes it takes that unmuting as well.


lol u were on as MDK@Holland@. 

also great nickname ChineseRestaurant XD

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