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Finish the Sentence Game! By Lundy004!!

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Alright folks, by popular demand, I have made this post to try and get a few laughs around.


Finish This Sentence!!:


"If I had a dollar for every Ban I have ever issued..."




Alright, Here are the previous submitted sentences:


Mademan (In lead as of 2/3/2013): If i had a dollar for every Ban I have ever issued, I would ban the entire planet and I will be so alone but so rich :0


Dronez4: If i had a dollar for every ban i have ever issued, i would be rich



Good luck, and please do not abuse this topic!




I'd be able to afford my first family sized pack of condoms


i'd have enough for a hot dog.


If i had a dollar for every Ban I have ever issued, I would ban the entire planet and the other planets such as Mars for dollars,and also I will conquer ALL THE planets to get RiCh


Lol. Keep `em coming guys!


No because I winned so another sentence please  :P 


I'd have enough to donate all to poor ppl.


I would have a dollar for every girl i have been with. Man I would Rich.

I would have a dollar for every guy i have been with. Man I would Rich.

If i had a dollar for every ban I'd issued, I'd have enough money to be able to get the USA out of debt.

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ANOTHER sentence for me lundy lol :P


Keep it up! The current ratings are:

If i had a dollar for every ban I'd issued, I'd have enough money to be able to get the USA out of debt.



I'd be able to afford my first family sized pack of condoms


Mademan : If i had a dollar for every Ban I have ever issued, I would ban the entire planet and I will be so alone but so rich :0


lol dont see the evaluation criteria here ^^

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