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Application For Tempmode


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1. What is your real name?

Jander C. Constante

2. What is your main character’s in-game name?

Blue Flame Panda new

3. How often do you play and how long have you been on our servers?

I'm almost in the server daily and has been in the server for a month now.

4.How old are you?

I'm 16 

5. Why do you want a staff position?

 I want to help people do some stuff and help the server as well and keep it moderated.

6. What is your history with moderating and/or administrating Terraria servers?

I don't have any history with moderating Servers but I'm willing to learn more.

7. What is your understanding of the responsibilities of Helper/TempMod?

Yes, I understand most of them, If I can't understand some I will learn to.

8. On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the least), how knowledgeable are you with IRC? (Do you know what /cs is? How to voice someone? What /ns stands for? Etc.)


9. How long have you been playing Terraria?

1 year

10. Have you ever been banned on a server before? If so, why?

I'm never banned from any server before as I do my best to behave well.

11. Name four of our server rules and explain why they're important

No Griefing - It ruining someone's hardwork is very immoral, a crime, not  tolaratable, and needs action.
No Hacking - Hacking is a form of crime and it's the worse thing you could possibly do to a player/user and It ruins the experience of someone playing.
No Excessive Swearing - Even though this server is r13, you should never swear too much because it disturbs other players and some players are actually very young and might traumatize them.
Do not harass other players - You should never harass other players because it's immoral and disrespectful. Harrasing other players may cause them harm in real life.
12. What would you do if there was a situation you could not handle?

If it's REALLY bad I would inform the other mods/ or the admins about it.
I would mostly wouldn't do much except try until I can't.

13. Your best friend joins our server and begins hacking, what do you do?

I would warn then and give them lectures of how wrong they are.
If they didn't listen I would kick them out.
If they keep coming back I'm going to inform the higher rankings that can actually ban them.
I might not considered them as friends anymore if they didn't change/stop as I don't want toxic friends.

14. Another player you dislike says something that bothers or annoys you, how do you react?

I would mostly ignore it because it literally just happened to me 3 weeks ago.
If they somehow get me I would warn them and if they didn't stop.
I would do some witty lines if it fits the certain situation.
15. What would you say is your biggest strength? Your greatest weakness?

My biggest strenght is that I'm a very patient and very gentle guy. My biggest weakness is that I can get confuse at times and might panic at it.
16. A man’s wife is very sick and needs special medicine to survive. The only pharmacy to have the medicine is charging a ridiculously high price for it, which the man cannot afford. Is it okay for the man to steal the medicine? Why or why not?

No, it is not right because stealing is immoral and the wife might not like him anymore even though it's for her. It's very important to keep your humanity with you.

17. What sets you apart from other players and staff applicants? Answer in at least 20 words.
What sets me apart from other players is that I can help them well and If they're alone I can acompany them if someone doesn't want to I can also teach them some wisdom I have. As from the other staffs I don't see what sets me apart as they also want to help others.

18. You are driving past a small bus stop with 3 people sitting there. You are in a car with room for only one person, even if you try to cram  people in to the car. As you slow down to see if you can help, you see three people. An elderly woman, who says she needs to go to a hospital nearby but cannot afford an ambulance; A very old and dear friend of yours (who you owe a big favor) who needs to get to a business meeting in the next 30 minutes, and the most attractive mate you've ever seen, who looks at you, and it's love at first sight. Who do you help, and why? 

I would help the old lady because it's her life that depends on me in that situation, All of my friends are very understanding so helping the old lady was a better choice and they'll understand why.

19.Anything else you would like to add?

Nothing else.

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