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Staff application idea

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have a promotion where its not really a promotion it just changes your member name on the forums to  technician and what the technician does is answer questions regarding computer stuff ex: how do i download tiberian technoligies or ex: how do i delete my hardrive stuff like that the technician would answer questions


Well i already thought of that. anyone can assist its just a name XD


The reason I suggested a tech forum was to have in place a forum for people who like to solve problems that people submit.  There isn't a need for a designation as you suggested, as that would tend to keep problem solvers from assisting.  Eventually you will see who is savvy in problem solving.  But you never know who had a problem in the past and managed to solve it, and that could be anyone.



I cun do teh prulamz, jst ask meh

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I rec. to not ask Billie,thats the same as asking Dell for Support on Hotline ;)


You'd be able to understand my english though  :huh:

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