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Issue with playing multiplayer on Renegade (Advanced Game Listings)

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To Whom It May Concern

I am following the steps on https://cnc.community/renegade/how-to-play.

I bought the Ultimate Collection from EA Origin, so I configured it from WWConfig.exe in my game install folder.

I created my game account, Nicks for Renegade, and Game Password on xwis.net while specifying XWIS as my Preferred Server in the game. However, I am still receiving the Support message listed in the image I uploaded, and it is not letting me play multiplayer online. As a frame of reference, I also have the RenList Server Browser application on my computer. 


Can anyone advise on how to resolve this issue so I can play online? Or is there a video link someone can provide which shows how to troubleshoot?


Thank you for taking the time to read this post.




Try that.

If it still doesn't work; then when you get to step 5 hit the DELETE account. It will just delete from your registry, and you should be able to re-add it. Make sure you're using that exact nick/password from the xwis.net/cp part. That nick/pass could also be bugged in some manner, you could reset it on the xwis panel, see what that does.


P.S. If you're using Renlist; you could go into its OPTIONS > SETTINGS and the GSA tab, click ENABLE GAMESPY, fill in the name you want, and save it. Then you can use the other tab of Renlist to bypass any passwords needed.



I followed the steps in the link you sent and I was able to log in successful from this point.

Thank you for your assistance. This ticket can be closed.

I look forward to playing with other people.

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