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SansTheSlacker's VIP application


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1) What is your first name?


 2) What are your ingame character name(s)? Please pick a main one as well!


 3) How old are you?


 4) What country and region are you from?

United Kingdom, England

 5) How long have you been playing Terraria?

5 - 6 years

 6) How did you find our server?

Searching on Google,

 7) How long have you been playing on our server? [Type /age ingame and tell us what it says.]


 8) Why do you want VIP?

People suggested it because I get more access to commands.

 9) What is your discord username? [This is so we are able to easily give you VIP on our discord server.]

I don't have one, sorry!

Edited by SansTheSlacker
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You don't need Discord for VIP. Please edit your application to fix question 7. The answer you have now is not acceptable.

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Sorry, I didn't see the full of question 7, I'll check right now and edit it,

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5 hours ago, Loxy said:

You don't need Discord for VIP. Please edit your application to fix question 7. The answer you have now is not acceptable.

Alright done it!

  • Thanks 1
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Please visit https://rencorner.co/RCTranks for extensive information about VIP and its perks!

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