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banned, bug?


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logged on today for the first time in maybe a week, got a pop-up message saying I was Octoberwar and stop what I was doing.

I posted in the forum chat box that I was banned and wasn't sure what was going on but I was able to get back in the game immediately (Don't know if somebody fixed that or it was a fake ban bug).

played an hour then rage quit from snipers making it impossible to play (pinned down in base) Even being shot through walls of weapon factory so I thought somebody was cheating so I quit, came back about 5 minutes ago and says that I'm just banned.

This has happened over the last couple of months, something about my IP address being shared or nicknames being shared or something but I only play on this one, Viss882.

The previous "shared" things were a mistake and reversed by Eric and Shaitan and kept happening for a bit


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