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Vador mod abuse

Guest rackz

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Guest rackz

Yup SBH at wf and i lagged for half second inside wf with humvee. Got warned.

I pm him idiot i wasnt even a full second inside. -next warn + he pm me watch your next words carefully.

I did pm him" watch your actions carefully" for mod abuse  and then he said "stop threating a mod" and kicked me.


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Lag or not, you had your vehicle inside the building. How would vador know u were lagging? You mentioned it after he !warned you. And It was just a !warn, not a big deal. You made it a bigger deal by calling him an idiot when he was just doing his job, lol.


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Follow server rules and stop posting shits about lags/mod abuse/it was my cat or dog etc. I think you are old enought to not doing these shits.

<RCAOW> Host: [BR] Follow any direction given to you by an identified moderator.


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Hello Rackz

Let me summarize

you are in a humvee driving,

you are well aligned to enter wf door without touching anything any walls

then you lag you enter wf and after you stopped lagging you exit without touching anything again .

I could try a few times without lagging before reaching the same results. 

Considering it was the case (which I rather doubt seeing what I described above), why do you need to say I am an idiot => how could I possibly know you were lagging? Do I have a view on your screen? Have I ever insulted you?

The only thing I did was to give a warning => usually I am one of the mod using a lot warnings because those get forgotten quickly and have no effect except if another unwanted action happens in the same day => you could have said, I have lagged, chill. That would have been the end of it.


The facts as I perceived them: 


You said I am an idot I did a !qkick

you rejoined, and only then I told you "watch your next words carefully" because only with a warning I got an idiot, I was anticipating what you would say with a !qkick, and then you said

watch your actions carefully  => (you forgot to mention it, right?) 

Then I !qkick you again => screenshots are available for anyone who want them.

For me it ends here and now. 


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