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Starting credits

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Can we get starting credits changed for maps like Canyon and Complex? It's basically impossible to win with a guaranteed 5-6 arties out before your first med tank can even leave the Weapons, if you can somehow survive the first wave without spending your first 350 on a Hotwire. 


EDIT: ( 05:16:05 ) ( &RCAOW ) [Gameover] Nod has won the game by Building Destruction, lasted 00.03.39 [Map: C&C_Canyon.mix, GDI: 134 Nod: 7382] [13/50]

  • Like 3

I agree, maps like Mesa, Canyon and Complex are pretty overpowered towards NOD with the starting creds!


Please get rid of starting credits, or atlest give everyone 100 if they need to have their daily fill of noob

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gotta get dem creds down yo, we no compton guiz


Go on give every1 100 credits.. then i'll have 350 in about half an hour... Gimme bout 5 mins to load a map like mesa or canyon >.>


wtf are you saying


I personally think 0 creds would work fine. it's fair on both sides, means both teams have to compete to maybe kill each other's harvs, get the first boxes or at least get 200 off!


I would agree to 100 starting off. Hopefully soon we have the pure aow server up and people will have a choice.

  • Like 3

Keep the 350 starting credits. It's one of the things that makes RC different and attractive. 




if you can somehow survive the first wave without spending your first 350 on a Hotwire. 


Not that hard if you have a team that works together. Same for NOD. 




( 05:16:05 ) ( &RCAOW ) [Gameover] Nod has won the game by Building Destruction, lasted 00.03.39 [Map: C&C_Canyon.mix, GDI: 134 Nod: 7382] [13/50]


That's just 1 game. Now I'd like to the results of all the games on Mesa, Canyon and Complex for the past week. Maybe then I would change my opinion. 


Is it just me who thinks this way? I really don't see any problems..  :wacko:

Can we get starting credits changed for maps like Canyon and Complex? It's basically impossible to win with a guaranteed 5-6 arties out before your first med tank can even leave the Weapons, if you can somehow survive the first wave without spending your first 350 on a Hotwire. 


EDIT: ( 05:16:05 ) ( &RCAOW ) [Gameover] Nod has won the game by Building Destruction, lasted 00.03.39 [Map: C&C_Canyon.mix, GDI: 134 Nod: 7382] [13/50]




Get some teamwork going to stop Nod on non BD maps.


But thanks for your second post. Is there anything else you'd like us to change to suit you while you're at it?




100 starting credits is different too. RC can still be a different server with that. Even with 0 credits RC still has the tank command and all that other crap so trust me it is very original/different.

Also it is more than one game. It happens all the time. Nod is OP as it is. In Jelly marathon the stats are in favor of Nod completely as im sure they are here. With 350 starting credits Nod is 10x as OP.

Dont make me get spoony FFS


Perhaps different, but not attractive.


Happens quite a lot actually, especially in smaller games.


Every game goes like this JQuo,


For example CanyonNod waits a few seconds, buys artys and also has enough to mine tunnels to deter GDI from quickly getting 200.


GDI is forced to repair but unfortunately is forced to waste their 350 on hotwires in the hope of keeping buildings alive which is really difficult, by this stage flamers could roll in and the game because the artys are sitting on any meds that come out of the bay (if GDI is lucky enough to have the money for even 1)


it's just unbalanced as fuck. and every game plays out like that, if you think it's balanced on smaller maps like that then there is something wrongAlso there are many other features that make Rencorner unique that i enjoy, but this is not one of them!


Any of you whining nubs thought about donating someone on your team to get a Med at the start of the game?


Try it ;)



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That is a waste of effort. Especially if we are on separate teams. Aint donating pub noobs to buy a medium tank cause they probably won't donate us cause they love their 350 cash so much.

I'm complaining for the better.. The only maps I played as GDI recently were walls_flying and city_flying and of course we won those with me flying an orca.. Won canyon complex today as Nod without even lifting a finger.

Oh and like yesterday played as GDI as mesa and by the time i got a med there were 4 artys in cave and I couldnt do jack shit. The rest of my team was in WF and they still lost it. I even remoted one of them at the start and still couldnt win because there is a fucking army of them like trist said below me


one med would totally counter an army of arts.

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one med would totally counter an army of arts.


did i forget to mention you'd need to tech it?


Teamwork Bitches.



  • Like 1
Any of you whining nubs thought about donating someone on your team to get a Med at the start of the game?


Try it ;)




Apparently they're too lazy and just want the easy way.


Hence why TP is dying off most games..


even 2 teched meds wouldn't counter 4 half arsed teched arts...


and trying to organize people to donate for meds and then getting people to tech you too (bearing in mind they'd probably have no money after donating you) is hard work, especially if the players aren't on teamspeak and organized.


overall, it is imbalanced whichever way you look at it

Posted (edited)

Going back to February 10 to Today 6pm(server time in Texas). Wins by team, per map. Comparing ours with Jelly's Marathon server.


Rencorner Mara 2/10/13 - 3/15/13

Canyon   GDI: 112(45.7%) Nod: 133(54.3%)
City Flying GDI: 109(42.2%) Nod: 149(57.8%)
Complex GDI: 105(42.5%) Nod: 142(57.5%)
Field   GDI: 102(38.2%) Nod: 165(61.8%)
Islands GDI: 117(53.7%) Nod: 101(46.3%)
Mesa   GDI: 89(41.4%)  Nod: 126(58.6%)
Under GDI: 97(41.8%)  Nod: 135(58.2%)
Volcano   GDI: 120(51.3%) Nod: 114(48.7%)
Walls Flying   GDI: 134(54.7%) Nod: 111(45.3%)
Overall   GDI: 985(45.6%) Nod: 1176(54.4%)

Jelly Mara 2/16/13  - 3/16/13

Canyon   GDI: 76(58.9%)  Nod: 53(41.1%)
City Flying GDI: 25(37.9%)  Nod: 41(62.1%)
Complex GDI: 86(44.3%)  Nod: 108(55.7%)
Field GDI: 17(26.2%)  Nod: 48(73.8%)
Islands GDI: 55(43.7%)  Nod: 71(56.3%)
Mesa   GDI: 34(51.5%)  Nod: 32(48.5%)
Under   GDI: 38(59.4%)  Nod: 26(40.6%)
Volcano GDI: 106(55.2%) Nod: 86(44.8%)
Walls Flying   GDI: 69(53.5%)  Nod: 60(46.5%)
Overall   GDI: 506(49.1%) Nod: 525(50.9%)

Edited by shaitan
The spacing was fucked, thanks forum.

So ye judging by that Shai, Nod is overpowered on the rushmaps! Complex and Mesa for example are always going to be balanced towards Nod, it's a fact when you have that many credits!


omg those fucking stats are awful.. Nod is literally smacking GDI around like a couple of kids after sunday school.

under mesa field complex city_flying


I think we will try the clanwars.cc settings public server and see if this solves the issues. I'll make a post with the details to it soon.


How is that going to fix "balance"? I included Rencorner's & Jelly's stats to show that:


A. Stock renegade isn't going to fix it.

B. 0 credits at the start will not either.


If we went by total balancing, we'd be getting rid of Field. LOL


These stats of ours are not taking into account the game-size.


Need to sort those stats by player counts too,

Gdi doesn't get massacred in large games, but does quite often in smaller games due to 350 cred start.

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