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One Word Story Game


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We played this game on the [-HOH-] clan forums and it was pretty funny and random so thought i'd share it with you guys here at Rencorner. The purpose of the game is that one person starts off with a word and then from there on each person posts a new word in reply. The stories that come out at the end are pretty facked up, just look at ours..

There was once a little alien called bob who was addicted to crack. He started wanking but he broke his dick because he wanked to much. This could mean he cant have kids. So his wife went and exploded into flaming dildo's with futuristic underwear on top of her mountain of pubes. Ysselstey was on his mountain in Holland when suddenly a yeti raped guitar's friend who was laminating yellow kitchen-heaters. Obviously the yeti had thought he was fried bread with Lopadotemachoselachogaleokranioleipsanodrimhypotr immatosilphioparaomelitokatakechymenokichlepikoss yphophattoperisteralektryonoptekephalliokigklopeleio lagoiosiraiobaphetraganopterygon. So he decided plastering posters around Ysselstey's Potassiumferricyanide. But then Mikey ordered a huge male hummingbird to satisfy his desire to have a bunch of naked bunches. Then he went to the club with a hot flapjack to put his friend between. Azazel got 296.7112 hookers from Thailand so he can play scrabble with toasters. Mikey ate a steam boat to impress the gay midget who always raped him while he was putting weed into the dishwasher but he noticed that the Eucalyptus was building an indestructable whoring spaceship to destroy the evil chicken licker from behind while while a retarded muffin juggled with thug's ball sack.

Btw sorry if the language has offended anybody feel free to edit the post but just shows how random things get lol!

First word is: 'Jks101' <3

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