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AOW, city flying - visual glitch

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<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/co5s5uS9sZ8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=co5s5uS9sZ8 -- Link in case I'm a dumbass and can't embedd this. THIS USED TO BE EASIER TO DO


Thats an old one, get it all the time.


Yeah, seen that one before too.


I found an old video that felli made at n00bless which has some glitches in.


Wow, June 2008. Happy days, happy memories.




I remember the one with me in the Nod APC but the best is where Hex was experimenting with the Nod turret placement on City_Flying.






the on under is the most annoying


I haven't played under on rencorner yet. :o


I didn't know this was an old thing either. I don't aow much sorry.


With all the releases and updates they have never corrected this. It is an original game glitch.

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