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Real life party idea


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Rencorner should have like 1 big party so everyone in this community can meet each other in real life

yes you heard me REAL LIFE party so everyone can meet each other.

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Yeah buy me a plane ticket and I'm game, shoot.

Oh yeah, make that some apple juice and cookies for me.

I hate being under-age.

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Yeah buy me a plane ticket and I'm game, shoot.

Oh yeah, make that some apple juice and cookies for me.

I hate being under-age.


I know that feel bro...



Anyways, when is this going on?

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St0rm tried doing this as well by meeting up in Las Vegas but it never happened cause St0rm went downhill fast before the date.

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This is a great idea, but sadly it won't happen, we would all have to buy plane tickets and some of us would have to convince our parents that we're going to meet some friends.... I don't think they would send us across country to meet a rapist in their minds....


This is a really good idea, but mostly only the people 18+ could really do it, but once I'm in college and I'm no longer a minor I could do it.

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We will have to set it up well in advanced. We would need to decide on a venue, a city, the dates, and activities. It will be a lot to set up.

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Well my parents will be in Australia for a week or two during Christmas.....sooo, that good? haha. That'd prolly be the only time I'd be able to get away with it, and you know...Many other factors.

My place! haha just kidding, let's not do that.

I suppose a good plan of action would be to find who all is going to be there and find a center point? idk.

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