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Funwar vs Dragon SIGN UPS

Guest Animoski

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Guest Animoski

So, we have a fun war coming up on the 4th of August, which is a Saturday so i'm guessing everyone should be able to make it.

I'm guessing the time of the event will be worked on, and i'm going to assume we'll be hosting the server as well.

4.0 will be enforced to ensure no cheating, and the maps we have picked out are Mesa and Walls_Flying. Dragon needs to come up with their 2 maps for the event, and the 5th map will be Field.

If would like to signup to be part of RenCorner's team for this funwar, please reply saying so.

Current list:













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I don't get home until about 1PM EST.

If its after that time, sign me up.

Also, try to get a flying map in there please.

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Guest Animoski

Considering the funwar is scheduled in a month, anyone who is working should know before hand, and if they have important plans of sorts, they can always let us know beforehand. Either way, clear your schedules!!

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Guest Animoski

ohh no i need joined >>> funwar <>> need pass

and i will join

This will happen on August 4th (which is a Saturday) - make sure you'll be able to attend. I'll add you to the list for now.

notlagusuck - Since you're the only one in contact with Dragon, can you ask them what is a reasonable time for them to play us? No earlier than 11am and no later than 6PM EASTERN TIME ZONE to start the matches seem to be reasonable considering it's a Saturday. Let us know please!

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Due to the MASSIVE amount of interest generated by this, how are we (your average RenCornerer) to know who is on the game list and how to get on it? I'm assuming it will likely go by rank....

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Guest Animoski

As of right now everyone is equally considered to play in the funwar as Dragon said they are expecting 8-12 players or so, which exactly fits how many people we have registered. If they can't come up with some players, we'll go by overall rank in the server.

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hi,dragon said it will start on 8:00 PM (acc to GMT +8). It will be 1:00 PM for UK (GMT +1)

Everybody make sure about their local timing.

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Thank you for the welcome message and shout out :) Nice to see RenCorner starting up in the wars. Good luck to you all against [Dragon].

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