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Apparently Max123 can double HeadShot people with a 500 sniper who are standing apart from eachother.

Max was at the other end of that tunnel...

I believe RND has the log.


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thats definetely something, even if he hs both of u with a delay, ud both respawn at different times, but look at the smoke, looks like they're in the same sort of state.

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<&RCAOW> 08max123 killed x308 (Nod Stealth Black Hand/Sniper Rifle 08vs Nod Engineer08)

<&RCAOW> 08max123 killed redude (Nod Stealth Black Hand/Sniper Rifle 08vs Nod Sakura08)

<&RCAOW> 3[Vehicle Purchase] 08Challenger purchased a GDI MRLS

<&RCAOW> 08max123 killed TheKeyBls (Nod Stealth Black Hand/Sniper Rifle 08vs Nod Minigunner08)

Hardcore Trigger Whore

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Okay here is my two cents on this, it could be 4.0 lag or even sfps lag. But then again since it was at same exact time two head shots and your quite far apart, it also could be bigheads or rof.

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Guest Animoski

I've done it before without cheats/hacks (the double headshot kill when they're a few feet apart) and not only in Renegade...

That being said, if he's racking up kills like a mofo there's a good chance he's cheating xD

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A screenshot like this proves too less to see if that player was cheating or not. A movie would be better.

It could be bad lag. But if this happened several times, you should start watching him.

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