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D4rX' Compliments


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Hai guys!

Just wanna throw out my compliments to everyone here who became part of this recently new and wonderful community. I'm that sorta guy who likes to post a little speech now & then when the mood strikes me. :P I'd like to thank a few guys in particular but I love everyone as much, so no hate please!

@ Animoski => for having the guts to start up a community and get succesful. I really respect how you've come from far away and managed to get this set up. As leader, you are doing a marvelous job. No sitting on a high horse, you really like to act like a man of the people. I took a risk by financing R/C, but I had a feeling from the start RC was where I wanted to be. And also thanks for being my Ren-whore ofcourse. :wub:

@ RND => I just like your way of being professional (posts, reports). It makes me think of my time in the Xc clan where everything was documentated and archived. I liked that.

@ Shaitan = > for having the patience of my irc-nubness. :P I'm quite a disaster in remembering IRC commands. :I

@ Feda: for being my yell partner.

There are so many more I could add, but the list would be a whole forum page long probably. :ph34r: So I'll keep it to, thanks for being part of RC.

As for our future, I hope we can keep this up and expand/grow even more. Would be nice having a very busy forum & server traffic like one of the biggest game communities. (Although can't complain atm).

I'll finish my little speech here before people go tl;dr. :I

- D4rX

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I wanna thank the Spambots in this Forum,without them i wouldnt be able to buy cheap Viagra tested on tigers. I also wanna thank Animoskis Parents for bringing him into life and 1 of the Kardashians who just showed how a baby troll came out of her Vagina in Live TV. Fckin made my Day as i have never been so sick since i can remember.

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^ What he said!

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qestion if you got up on morning half naked with your shorts round your ankles and a used condom hanging out of your bottom ?

would you ..

A...tell no one and try to forget it happend


B... tell everyone and live with the shame


if you answer ....A... do you fancy comeing camping at the weekend .ill bring the beer and vodka :wub:

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hmmm well I got 3 pm's with offers to go camping (not telling who from) just a shame you live so far away guys could have been fun and a defo youtube moment

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