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For those who have barely heard about this small nation. Georgia – contribution to the victory over Nazism.


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Dedicated to 9 May *

Just a succession of facts.

I allow myself to speak about the contribution that has been made by ​​my nation to the world, but it may seem a splurge. Nevertheless, the facts do not intend to be hidden. Apparently they deserve this praise.

Today is only about 4.5 million Georgian people. I do not even know how many we were then?

1) The highest density of citizens who participated in World War II to be GG-ed it eventually. They have coped with the violent attack of insatiable and abnormal aggressors. And they PWNED them.


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Stalin. The Georgian.

Legendary, but not quite nice to me and incomprehensible person. However, he did a lot of really impossible and impermissible things. Hence the conclusion is likely to he had been helped by quite a good powerful unions. In fact he took a country that was hitherto unprecedented extreme decline and sick, but left it very powerful and capable.


Another legendary figure. Lavrenti Beria. The right hand of Stalin. Anyway, I am relatively quite impressed by this one. Beria was the top manager of the Soviet Union. The Georgian. From my town ;X Under his management a potential of the Soviet Union had been abruptly placed in the outer-space. The country that a couple of decades ago was operating by a wooden plow only. And that conquest of space has not happened today, it happened then for the first time! I am sure the creators of the game Renegade his image is associated with Raveshaw: Red Army, round glasses, quiet but effective action, ruthlessness to obstacles and sharp as the blade of the measures taken.


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Another key person. Meliton Kantaria. The Georgian. And again used to live in my tiny town LOL.

He mounted a red banner over a defeated Reichstag. Marking the GG of WWII.

Portrait: :D

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The contribution of the Georgian people is very significant acts battling the Nazi invaders, both as a relative and as by an absolute measure.

Oh and of course,

5) Eduard Shevardnadze Minister of the Soviet Union destroyed the Berlin Wall.

All aforementioned may make no sense or not quite to their liking to someone. But the fact is a stubborn thing.

Now you know something about Georgians.


* 9 May is the Victory Day which marks the capitulation of Nazi Germany to the Soviet Union in the Second World War.

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tbh, Stalin and Beria were a pair of complete shits.


Jointly responsible for the deaths of millions of their soviet citizens, either through incompetence, cowardice or simple genocide. More died in their gulag's than Hitler's Concentration Camps.


I'm happy that Georgia defeated Nazism but even happier that you have the same flag as England :)


For an accurate account of the history of WWII though,


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5) Eduard Shevardnadze Minister of the Soviet Union destroyed the Berlin Wall.

And all this time, I thought Reagan was responsible for taking down the Berlin wall.  What do I know...


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And all this time, I thought Reagan was responsible for taking down the Berlin wall.  What do I know...



Ron? I thought it was Maggie?

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That's what I meant, Maggie Reagan!


Oh, Ron Thatchers wife :) I forgot.


Never got the plaudits Roosevelt and Churchill did. Deserved them though.



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And all this time, I thought Reagan was responsible for taking down the Berlin wall.  What do I know...


Reagan smash!

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