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Today's RC Uphill-mystery

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Guest KirillSp

On 18:35 (German time), some mystery occured:


I joined Uphill and we all were 5 players - 3 on NOD and 2 on GDI. Someone complained, that there were actually 6 players - 4 on NOD and 2 on GDI, the 6th mysterious player was Iznogoud3.


Here are the facts:


1. Both Screens show the Iznogoud3-guy, these were made after my leaving

2. That guy was talking within the chat, but I didn't see his messages

3. After Uphill-match the guy left






Ren is bugged even after 4.1. Sometimes a mystrious player is shown to be present in game where as hes actually not there.

Once i saw Geeti present on both teams lol.


Yea i've seen it like 2 times before, idk what it is.


It was there before 4.1


there was no problem for me or CK but these two went for for an half hour rant saying "TeamChange nowww" lol


Well, it was tj65...whatever.  He was the one complaining teams were unfair and asked which of us would change, (just trying to do his job). Me and kirill both told him teams were fair. He didnt believe us, threatened to kick one of us if we didnt change, Kirill kinda egged him on and told him to kick iznogood...he waited to see if one of us would switch for a few minutes, then got mad and kicked Kirill for not switching. I immediately issued him a !warning for kicking a mod. Then Kirill explained it to him from IRC. 


I understand why he did it, but he should've.

1. Listened to us when we told him teams were fair...(hard to believe when your screen shows they are unfair.)

2. FTC'd instead of kicking a mod that he thought was playing unfairly.


I thought the !warn would remove his powers temporarily, but I don't think it did, bot said he was never a temp mod to begin with, or something of that nature.


It was really just a glitch with the server, but it could have been handled better.

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i talked to Kirill after this (we both talk german so it was very easy). We are both wondered very much, because the person (Iznogoud3) was talking in chat in both maps.


I tried to qkick him in 2nd Map. Bot said "Player not in Game", after i tried this Iznogoud3 talked to me (he said: rejoin).


After i rejoined Iznogoud3 was away but nobody knew who was talking to me.


Very mysteriosly. 


Kirill didnt open this Entry to work against me, he only want to show you this mysteriosly bug. 


Kirill isn't mad to me for the qkick.


At begin i thaught they wanna josh me:


  • I wrote in all chat that someone should tc (uneven teams)
  • Kirill answered it isnt uneven
  • All people talked in all chat (incl. Iznogoud3).

My only way as tempmod was the qkick way, because i cannot tc ppl. By the way, im temp many weeks, ... 


I think most of you had do same.


Its ok tj, noone is attacking you but only guiding you to do better the next time.


[12:34:43] <STATS-Remote> [sTATS] Map ended, stats Updated.
[12:34:48] <RCAOW> [bEACON] iznogoud3's Nuclear Strike Beacon was disarmed.
[12:34:48] <RCAOW> Player iznogoud3 left the game on team Nod [5/50]
[12:34:48] <RCAOW> [Disconnect] iznogoud3
[12:34:54] <RCAOW> Loading level C&C_Uphill_RxD.mix

It was a ghost, and the person most likely who was the "ghost of izno" was cereal.

[12:56:34] <RCAOW> [Team] ^Cereal_Killer: try to rejoin



I wont get into the whole you qkicking. Do not do it again.

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