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Hosting a Team Fortress 2 Event.

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After many months..yes that's right we are going to be hosting a TF2 night. Since I'm off University for 3 weeks ( I break up on the 19th December) I thought to have a laugh, why not all pile on TF2 and have a blast.




No excessive swearing.

No Racism.

No hacking/cheating.



When will this take place:


Monday 22nd December 2014.


What time:


Well with people in different time zones and some of us getting up really early or going to bed really late.. I thought about having it as an all day event. If you feel like you can only make it at a certain time then just post below the available times that day and the event maybe split in to two different times so that everyone can play it.


What happens if I cannot join the server?


Well if Valve is  being naughty and sends and update on Monday then that could be one of the reasons. If it does happen then I will get them updated ASAP when I finish work at 2pm UK Time. I will get the servers updated and sorted out on Sunday night ready for the event anyways.


Other information:


  • This event is open to everyone. If you want to bring a friend then you can do.
  • It is a 32 player slot with 16 players on each side.
  • What maps are being played -  any you like. If there are certain ones you want just vote for them as not everyone likes all the maps in rotation.

(More information will be posted in the next few days or the time zones may change)


Cheerz ice.


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I will probably will need a reminder. Send me a message on steam the day before.

Steam Name: WellThatWasSmart


Sounds like a plan ice!


Sounds good! I'll write it down :P 


I'll send a shout out for people that day okay. It will be after 2pm UK time as I'm working in the morning that day.


I'll definately try to get some games with you guys!


I should be finished with work on the 18th Dec until the 5th Jan 2015 :)


Hopefully I won't rubberband too much.


Ice, can we have some basic PL, CTF, CP and PLR maps only in the rotation?




P.S. Pity it's not Full Moon.

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Yes you can. Just list the maps you would like to have in and I can take out the other ones.


Guys.. to get some more people in I have invited friends from my old clan EMD, Steel Guardians and of course you guys who I have on Facebook. I don't think all 35 will turn up but If I get 10 people then I'm more than happy.


Maybe I'll come try it out :P


Maybe I'll come try it out :P


Let me know beforehand if you want any extra weapons/items upgrades. I have shitloads of spares and will trade/gift/loan any that you want.




P.S You can view my TF2 inventory from my Steam profile page,


Yes you can. Just list the maps you would like to have in and I can take out the other ones.


Personally, I don't mind what maps we play but I was thinking, if you want to attract new players a nice simple rotation with simple linear maps (so new players don't get lost in tunnels and side areas) might be a good idea.


For instance, Hoodoo PL, 2Fort CTF, Foundry CP, Viaduct KOTH, and Hightower PLR, maps where the objectives are obvious and encourage some teamwork.


Anyway, your server, your call. That's just my 2 cents.




P.S. What about Doomsday SD, that would be good too.


I will bulk up the noob ranks hopefully


I may need to try this game since it runs on the mac and I've missed you in minecraft :)


May not be able to make it Monday.


May not be able to make it Monday.


ffs Lundy, I was counting on you for some easy kills. :P



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