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any mod should warn players during do any thing then kick if do that again banned

First :Warning.

After Warning: Kick.

After Kick: Banned.

will be good

tik tok

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Thats much faster . U should aware the player about the rules by displaying them ingame randomly.Warn him 3-4 times and then if he doesnt stop just qkick him. If he still continues to do again u can kick him fr 24 hours.If he still dont learn u can ban him (Weeks or months depends on what he do).

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Perm bans are for ban evasion,Nick spoofing and Racist remarks. (not for cheats kick them for months who cheats)

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Is this a complaint or what?

How each Moderator or Staff Member her moderates and or does their job, is at their discretion ultimately, if you feel you would like to see a change or you have an idea to suggest you are more then welcome to do so, if you have a complaint about a staff member or a moderator, address such.

Otherwise I apologize if I say this topic seems to be a discussion without any real rhyme or reason.

~ R n D ~

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And who exactly around here do you see do this?

And you are correct, I do set my own rules, I issue two to three warnings, I am polite or I try to be at least, I make a note and report of issues when they occur, if a mater persists, I kick the person in question, and leave it at that, I personally do not ban, that is not my call it is the call of those above me.

But know this, those of us who are moderators make our decisions as a call of judgement, do we have set rules? Of course, Do we handle things to the best of our ability? Absolutely, Do issues happen? Are bad calls made? Of course, we are human beings, but from what I have seen, we do our jobs the best we can, I am not saying everyone who is a Staff Member here is perfect, no one is perfect, not even close, but I have seen more good then bad, that is my honest take.

So I am asking again, what is the goal of this topic, are you making a complaint about the server? The staff? Something else? Are you offering an idea? Making a suggestion?

Whatever the point is, I myself do the best I can to be fair, honest and integrity minded, I am not perfect, nor is anyone else, and there is always room for improvement, is every staff member here perfect? Probably not, but they do their job to the best of their ability, should you feel otherwise, speak to Animoski about such, and again, I myself am always willing to try and help you or anyone else within the limits of my powers that be and within the best of my ability's.

~ R n D ~

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One thing...

Don't tell us how to do our job. Cause the way we are doing it is just fine.

If our job is bothering you in any way, go post a complaint to the owner or admin

Also: There is an hierarchy a.k.a modlist



Full Mod

Half Mod


If a half mod places a ban, full mod or higher can remove it. A half mod can't remove a full mod's ban, but can remove a temp's ban. You see what I mean?

Last thing, If you see a person consistantly breaking the rules. Record it/Fraps it. Because we can't trust anyone saying "he stole me buggy" w.e.

I could write a whole page about this stuff lol...

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