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No more political topics please. Some cannot handle having them without personally attacking the other person. I see them, I will delete them from now on. Fuck it.


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Fuck you Shaitan.


My reply to Jks, by the way.




Jks, you are just bound and determined to make an ass of yourself aren't you?


Joe responded like he did because you came in here in a very ignorant fashion, spouting insults and a complete lack of any substance behind your words, to suggest you are contributing to this is laughable.


I called you out on it once and I will do it again, how the fuck are you an Admin when you carry yourself like an angry, rebellious youth, based on how you are acting in this, this does not reflect well on yourself or the community you represent.


All that this has become is an intellectual conversation gone wary because views are being exchanged you can't handle.






Anytime one of us has a view not your own, you guys attack them personally. Not doing this anymore. You come in raging at me on Teamspeak again, I will shove your head right up your ass.


This topic is over, the debates you can take that shit to some other forum. You children cannot handle yourselves when it comes to arguing.

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