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November 15th's Renegade Game Giveaway!

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As you may have noticed, this month has already begun. :P Your !temprank and !temprankstats for Renegade were reset on November 01, at 12am(1 month exactly). This time around the games are different, the frequency is different, and the 'best of ...' is different. November 15 and December 01 are the two days for this game giveaway.

On the 15th it will be:

The top player with Most Games receives: Left4Dead2

The top player with Most Vehicle Kills receives: Left4Dead2

The top player with Most Kills receives: Naval Warfare

The top player with Best Vehicle Repair receives: Naval Warfare

The top player with Most Building Kills receives: Magicka

The top player with Best K/D receives: Magicka

The top player with Most Deaths receives: Magicka

The top player with Best Overall Repair receives: Magicka

You can see your statistics for the Monthly Ranks, here.

You can see your main statistics here.

The KD one you can do the math for yourself to see who has the best. The Vehicle Repair and Overall Repair(building plus vehicle) is something we will have to do on our end(it doesn't show up on the site there). The reason for "Overall Repair" is quite simple: there will be those who sit inside a building to repair while afk, this way it is a mix of both to get the winner.

There are a few stipulations this time around.

1. You cannot win two prizes, the second prize goes to the runner-up automatically.

2. Cheating of any kind disqualifies you from the ranks.

3. You need Steam, I am not helping you set one up this time. *cough*

Thanks goes out to Volcom for making the site ranks possible. :)

December 01 is undecided at this time, this one is strictly for November 15.

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Lol, Suicide >_<

Might want to disable that.


Never heard of Magicka before but it has a lot of explosions and bright colours, I'm like a fish to this sorta stuff haha


You caught that lol. That was one idea thrown out there.


Consolation prize for being a nub :rolleyes:


I win by default.


I'm pretty sure the person with the most deaths will be a random noob and probably wont even have a clue they've won lol


Don't be so sure it's just some random noob. As of my typing this elzet2012 has most deaths. He's a regular, one of our egyptian peeps.


Don't be so sure it's just some random noob. As of my typing this elzet2012 has most deaths. He's a regular, one of our egyptian peeps.

Dammit, I've been sniping him today!

Must resist the urge......

I'll just IRC kill myself 5000 times. B)

Well tbh most of them stand still and shoot at you and then are in amazement as to how you got a headshot on them :D


Looks like im getting magicka, lol i die More than any of u so gl xD

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